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"No. I told you so many times why don't you just listen?" Lisa said.

So apparently I'm here at her office in our house talking to her about me Leaving tomorrow. But this wife of mine being stubborn and don't let me go.

"What do you mean no?. It's Important Lisa and you know that. I need to be there" I pout. I've been begging her for about half-hour now.

"you're going to Ulsan Jennie! And for fucking three days! How do you expect me to let you go that easy?!" She frustratingly said. Why she asks as If I'm going to leave her for good?.

"It's just three days!"

"But Ulsan is so far away from us! Why it seems like you don't care about who you're going to leave huh?" She mock.

"Of course not! It's going to be hard for me too! I don't want this too but I need to! They need us there. I don't want to be selfish and let people die"

"And Us? You know that we can't live without you, Jen. I don't know how to cook! I don't know how to tuck them to sleep and they are more into you. What do you expect they will be reaction?" She said.

I sigh. "Don't you think It's your time?" I suddenly said.

"Time? What?" She looks at me confused.

"To learn how things are working. Learn how to take care of them without me, learn how to make them sleep and how to cook or whatsoever. Do that without me. I'm not with you every time, like this. I need to leave tomorrow" I softly said to her.

"But I can't do that without you! I need someone to look at me too to how to do that stuff!" She said.

"Don't worry too much hon. I'll not leave you here alone. I talk to Mom and Dad earlier I told them If they can stay over here while I'm away and they agreed" I said referring to her parents. My parents Are not in the country.

She sigh. "Who are you going with? you're with Kang right?" She asks.

I walk towards her swivel chair. "Yeah, but don't worry. I'm with plenty of head doctors and besides...I told you he's just a close friend" I said.

"I just don't want him around you"

"Okay, okay. I'll try my best to not go close to him if that what makes you feel great" I said and peck her lips. "Are you agree now?"

"What else could I do?" She said. I still see to her eyes her disagreement but yeah. At least she understands.

"Thank you! I love you so much!" I said and sat on her lap and hug her like a koala.

She chuckles. "I love you too" She said and kiss my head. "Now, how are you going to tell them? Especially to Lucas" she asks.

"They will understand like how they understand me leaving to find you," I said. I stand up "I'll talk to them now." I said and leave her office and go directly to their room. They're still up cause they're watching a Disney movie.

I knock Three times before I go Inside. "Mom!" They happily said. I sat to their bed and join them.

I chose to shut my mouth Until the movie is over. I don't want to ruin their time.

"So...Daehan, Lucas. Mommy wants to tell you something" I said. They look at me.

"What is it, mommy? Are we going to the other house of ours?! I want to go there again!" Daehan excitedly said.

"Me too!" Lucas said.

"I'm sad to say, but It's about to my work" the moment I said 'work' their smile suddenly vanish. They look at me confused but there is another meaning about their look but I can't point it out.

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