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Jennie excuse herself because someone is calling her and she said she needs to answer the call so she goes out of our house and goes to our massive garden.

I'm so curious as to who is the girl named the Chu.  I don't really want to interfere but I can't help but be curious as hell! Is that her girlfriend?.

Oh yeah, you're being delusional again Lisa. You don't even know if this girl is gay and what the hell are you curious about? You just met her yet you're being curious about her relationship.

I debate to myself for minutes If I would follow her and end up following her. Well there's nothing wrong right? Maybe I really want to know her more...perhaps befriend with her?

I stand up to my seat without them noticing. I walk toward our garden and saw her standing not so far but I can say near at the bunch of plants?. She really has a good body shape.

So because I'm a dork and minding someone's business. I walk towards the bunch of little trees and hide there. Well you can't blame me I want to hear the conversation.

She faces my spot and I quickly hide. I believe she didn't see me because she continues shouting at the person on the phone. She seems angry cause I can see her face reddening.

I'm Enjoying watching her gorgeous fave but then I felt some shits bit my fucking foot! I can't help but shout because the little insect is going to my legs or what's worse to my buddy.

"Holy shit!" I shout and go out of the tree and jump rapidly until I was already near to the pool. Fuck those ants! Now Miss Kim will catch me watching her!

I'm right. Jennie walks towards me with the look of bitchy. "What the fuck are you doing here?" She said still with her blank expression.

I look at her like seriously? Can't she be kind? "Well this is our house If I remember and I want to be here" I fire back.

"Yah! You following me?!" She accuses which is true. I can't utter a word because she's fuming and it's so damn scary.

I don't know how to respond to her. I don't want to accept the fact that I follow her. She Is bitch and I want her to be embarrassed with my next word.

"You're so full of yourself Miss Kim"  I said and smirked.

"Yeah Because I know every people I was meeting are eyeing me and minding my business. Can't get enough of me eh?" She said. Okay my word didn't affect her.

"You're not my type" I said I saw her eyes darken and that causes me to continue smirking but this girl in front of me smirked too.

"You're too bad to my liking. I don't like you either...." She pushes me hard which causes me to fall in the pool. "...monkey" she said and roll her eyes before dashing off leaving me here with my mouth agape.

"Yahh! You are such a bitch! Argh!" I groan because of the cold water. I jump off of the pool soaking wet.

Damn! She got that savage! Is that girl doesn't know the word 'Respect?' I deserve it! Aisha whatever! She better be thankful because she's so gorgeous cause If not I already throw her In the pool too.

I grumpily walk inside our house. Our maids and butler are staring at me with a kind of amusement. Well who wouldn't? I just swim with my pants and hoodie which is I have never done before.

I welcome my father who looks at me up and down before bursting off laughing. "What happened to you, Lisa? Hahaha!" He said and continue laughing.

"It's nothing. where are they?"  I ask not minding telling him about Jennie being bitch to me because he will just make fun of me.

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