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Monday 8:30 pm

I'm already here at our house waiting for Jennie. She said she'll be here on a Monday at 7 pm but it's been 1 and a half-hour past she's still not here.

I'm so upset right now because she's not picking my call too.. what the hell? Is she that busy to the point she can't call me back or answer my call?.

I was seating here in our living room watching some stupid movie when my phone starts to ring..I look at the caller ID and saw it was my mom. I didn't hesitate and answer it.

"Hello, mom? How's my sons and daughter?  Are they doing fine?" I bombarded her.

"Relax Lisa. They are fine...I call to talk to you about tomorrow"

"What about tomorrow?"

"Lucas and Daehan's teacher said to us earlier that they have a festival tomorrow here In their school and Lucas and daehan along with their classmates will be performing tomorrow morning...can you go for them?"

"Of course Mom, I will come with Jennie...but how come I didn't know this?"

"Ms. Yue said they're practising their dance since Wednesday and she already told her student to tell their you mean they never tell you about this?"

"Uh...Y-yeah. They never mention it"

"Oh? I think they're upset with you guys...big time" She said. I sigh.

"I'll make it right mom...once Jennie come home" I said.

"Jennie is still not there?"

"Yeah...I don't know why and I can't contact her"

"don't worry too much...she'll be fine. Anyways I'm going to hang up this because I need something to do. Take care okay?"

"Okay mom...say my I love you's to my babies" I said and she hangs up. I sigh for the nnth time.

Was about to place my phone I the table again when it rang again. To my surprise. It's Jennie. I answer it.

"I'm surprised you call" I sarcastically said.

"I'm sorry hon...there's no connection here"

"Here? You mean you're still there?"

"Yeah, we can't head back tonight because the bus that we used to go here is have a problem so we will come home tomorrow morning I guess? But it depends"

"What the heck Jen? You said you're coming home tonight!"

"You don't need to yell at me. I'm sorry I can't make it tonight" she sincerely said.

"I'm sorry too... I didn't mean to yell at you. It's just..."  I'm thinking of telling her on phone...but decided to tell her once she's already here.

"Just what?...are you okay?"

"Nothing... I'm fine. Anyway Daehan and Lucas will dance at their festival tomorrow. You can go straight to the school at 9 Am"

"They're going to dance? That's great! I'll come"

" about you? How are you?"

"Jennie! It's already raining! We need to head back!" I heard nayeon said in the other line.

"Go back! I'll be fine!" Jennie yells back.

I WONT GIVE UPWhere stories live. Discover now