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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I shout from the top of my lungs and that causes them to flinch and pull out the hug. I can see the flick of sadness and fear in my grandmother's eyes.

They didn't say something so I got irritated. "AGAIN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN OUR HOUSE?!" I shout again.

I'm really mad at my grandmother the day I found out what she did to Jennie when I was away and even I'm already here that time. I hate someone who is hurting my girl physically or emotionally. Especially my sons.

I know she's my grandmother but she's wrong. All she did is wrong.

"Lisa! Watch your mouth!" Jennie said glaring at me.

I feel that someone tug the hem of my shirt and I saw Lucas looking at me. He looks scared. "Seulgi can you accompany Lucas upstairs?" I said and seulgi nodded.

Once they were gone I walk towards them and full Jennie beside me. "Can you please calm down?!" Jennie whispered yell at me.

I didn't mind her. "Please go out" I calmly said to my grandmother.

I expect my grandmother to fire back but she didn't. She was about to walk away when Jennie remove my grip on her and glared at me.

"No! Mrs. Manoban will stay whether you like it or not. She came here to apologize to me not to cause any trouble" she said and she tells my grandmother to follow her in the garden.

I was left here dumbfounded. What the hell just happened? Did my wife just leave me to be with my grandmother? Who happened to be her enemy back then?

I sigh deeply because I know I could not do anything. It's Jennie and I'm just Lisa. Once Jennie decided no one can change it.

I grumpily walk upstairs and go to our room. "Argh! I hate this day!" I groan as I walk towards our bathroom.

I freshen up and wear my clothes. I was about to go to the playroom where seulgi and the kids but I remember something. I need to call Joy.

I pick my phone and dialed her number. I wait for minutes but no one is answering it. I tried it for my fifth time and she answered it.

"H-hello Lisa?" She answered and I hear her sniffing too.

I got worried so I ask her first. "Joy? Are you crying?"

"Uh...n-no I'm fine"

"You sure?"

"Yeah d-don't worry about m-me. Why did you call?" She asks.

"I want to talk about Hanbin's case. Is there really nothing we can do about his case? I mean after all many sins he did they will just release him that easy?"

"About that...we really can't do anything but accept the fact. It's the judge's decision and I'm just a lawyer. You know we already did our best the last hearing but that stupid psychiatrist proves that hanbin just did that because he's sick" Joy explained.

"Argh! I hate it when we can do anything!" I said running my hand through my hair in frustration.

"Don't worry Lisa. I think hanbin will not do anything stupid that will cause him to be in jail again. He just got out in the asylum. Maybe there are changes" she said.

"I met him today. He wishes that I just kill him before because he regrets all of it and begs for my forgiveness but I just can't let it slide like that" I said.

"See? There are changes"

"Aishh whatever. I'll go now! Thank you!"  I said and I hang up.

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