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"Good morning Mrs. Manoban" the guard of the hospital greet us.

We're here at the hospital early in the morning. After dropping off the boys in their school we go straight here with lia. It's nearly 8 am. Yeah we're early.

I hope Ella is already awake. Jennie said she might take time to wake up but there's a high possibility that Ella will wake up very soon. We're currently in the elevator.

I was carrying my baby and holding Jennie's hand. I heard people's awe when we're passing to them and I'm very proud Lol!.

"Don't you think we're so early?" Jennie asks.

"I don't think so" I said and she just nodded.

The door open and we make our way to Ella's room Jennie already knows it cause Nayeon tells us. Nayeon is the one who is checking Ella because Jennie can't do that. She's just the one who performed surgery but she's not going to be Ella's doctor.

Anyways. Jennie's mother call earlier. She was so disappointed the moment she heard that Jennie performed surgery here in the hospital. Mom said it's unnecessary cause she's not working here anymore.

She also said Jennie must be thankful because she's the one who is running the hospital. After all, If she's just an employee here her license can be confiscated.

Jennie explains to her mother why she did that and promise that would be the last and she will not do it again. Luckily Mom understands her in the end but she still scolds her daughter.

We are now in front of Ella's room and Jennie knock. Didn't take long and the door open revealing Mr. Fred with his tired eyes. I think he didn't sleep properly.

"Oh! Lisa, Jennie! You guys are so early" Mr. Fred said smiling to us. "Come in" he said and we go inside.

We saw Ella still sleeping. I felt sad towards her...even Daehan and Lucas. We told them about her and Daehan said. 'She's so jolly. I never thought she's sick

Even my hard-headed son felt sad with Ella. He said even Ella is always bothering him he still care as a friend with her even he didn't show it to Ella. Such a great guy!.

"I'm sorry If we disturb you this early. We can just go back if you want to rest right now" Jennie apologetically said.

"No! You guys are just in exact time cause I felt bored I didn't sleep cause I'm waiting for her to wake up" he said.

"You should at least sleep Mr. Fred. It's no good to you" I said and he just smiles.

"Oh! We brought you breakfast and fruits for Ella. I cook that this morning" Jennie said and give to Mr. Fred the bag she was holding.

"You guys really fit with each other! Very generous! But actually you didn't need to bring me this you know...I still Owe you Jennie" he said.

"No, it's okay. I'm happy to help" Jennie said.

There's a long silence until I decided to spoke. "Where's her mother?" I ask.

"Mina left so early. She doesn't want to but she needs to go to work and we're finding ways to pay the bills here in the hospital" he said. Jennie and I look at each other as If we're thinking the same thing.

"Where she works?" Jennie asks.

"At the coffee shop. She wasn't able to finish her study cause I got sick back then while she's college. Her mom is already in heaven and she's only the one who can look after me. I felt bad for her cause I'm the cause why she didn't reach her dream job" he said in a sad tone.

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