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"Babe! Are you done packing your needs?!" Lisa shout at the end of the house.

"Yeah!! Coming!" I said and walk downstairs. Yes! We're on our way to the airport where the squad is! Finally! We're going to Jeju!! I'm so excited, it's been a year since I last go to the beach.

Actually, Lisa's birthday is tomorrow but we thought to go there before her day, so yeah here we are.

"You're so slow to pack babe, but when we're heading Sk when we're in Spain you like splash, so speed." She jokingly said.

"It's different situations, y'know!" I said she open the door for me and she ran to another side.

She started to drive to Airport. Our trip didn't take long and we arrived exactly before the flight. We can see our friends waving their hands while we're walking towards them.

"Hey!! You two are nearly late!" Jisoo groan.

"Relax chu! We're here exact time before the flight! And you're just excited that's why you're first here" Lisa said.

"Okay stop that kids!" Chaeng said. "Let's go!" She added, we have a private plane, actually Lisa's plane.

We climb in a van where they will drop us at the plane.

We climb out and go directly to the plane we sit side by side with our girlfriends. Sadly wendy sits alone, I can in her eyes she's sad. I'm starting to hate Joy for making wendy feel this way.

Like hell? Did she really need to study that much? Is she going to join quiz bee on another planet? She barely has time for Wendy, I feel wendy needs her attention but wendy never complains.

She always says 'It's fine I understand' she's always like that. But her eyes spoke differently. She's hurt, really hurt. I feel bad for her, sometimes when she is with us she's faking her smile, laugh. When the power puff girls doing something crazy she barely cooperates.

Last week, I notice Wendy got thinner and her Eyes are always swollen, when I ask her why she looks so wasted always she just going to answer me 'I'm just stress, Dad gave me a project. I'm not yet CEO but I'm starting to get stress' like that then she'll laugh awkwardly.

Anyways, Whatever she's going through I hope she'll be okay.

Our flight is going to be 2 hours so I think it's a good idea to take a nap. I rest my head on Lisa's shoulder and close my eyes.



Poor Wendy, she's always alone when we're on a trip or something else. Joy barely come with us, and even with Wendy. And her fucking excuse is 'STUDY' like what the fuck? Is she that desperate to be smart? Is her dream is to make an experiment on how to make a human using vegetables? LOL.

You know, even Joy is my friend since then, I fucking hate her now! If she hasn't time for Wendy, then why did she agreed to be wendy's girlfriend? Why right?. she's freakin crazy.

"Love, look at Wendy I think she's in deep thoughts, I Wondering if she's on drugs, her eyes are always bloodshot, she got thinner but she's not high anymore" seulgi whisper to me.

yeah, wendy is in deep thoughts. She's just staring at her fidgeting fingers.

I elbow seulgi, '?"silly! She's not an addict. I always notice it too, I think she has problems but she's not sharing them with us. I think it's better for you, lisa, and jisoo to talk to her. I feel bad for her." I said and look at wendy.

"Yeah that will be great, I'll talk to Jisoo and Lisa will find the right time to talk to her."

I just nod, I feel sleepy so I drift to a sleep slumber.

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