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After Jisoo left me here with this bloody guy police came. They flip the guy's body so that we can see his face. The policeman checks his pulsed.

"He just got one stab in his stomach. He's still breathing chief!" He said.

They put the guy on the stretcher and immediately brought him to the hospital. Another investigator starts to move their asses and invistage what really happen.

"Did you know the guy?" The investigator starts to throw questions at me.

"No. Actually it's my first time to see him" I said.

"Okay, uh...did you see something suspicious before this crime happened?"

"No. But Lisa....hmm. She complies with me that the cocktail she's drinking earlier is has a different taste. But she just shrugged it after" I state.

He asks so many questions like I am in a job interview but I answer them carefully. It's all I can help after doing a prank earlier instead of opening the door quickly.

After minutes I head outside where I see wendy talking to the policeman I think she interviewing too.

After she's done she immediately goes towards me "Do you get the Job?" I joked. Hahahaha I don't know, even after my friend is in the hospital I still have time to joked. I'm indeed crazy HAHAHAHA.

"Yeah. I'll start tomorrow my mission is to kill the Kang Seulgi and Kim Jisoo" she smirks.

I got scared suddenly "H-how did you know?" I ask. If Jennie will find out about this we're dead.

"Of course I am wendy. We checked the CCTV earlier to check whether CCTV captured the incident or not but the clip before and while that time got deleted so we didn't know anything. Then there I saw you two! Idiots! Lisa might die if you two didn't move your asses forthwith" She said.

"I'm sorry okay? We didn't know that was the case you know? If we just knew maybe we just open the door fast" I sadly said. "What about the guy? The one who is laying with Lisa with a knife? I'm still confused why he will stab himself" I ask and frown.

"I don't have time to see the guy but they said they're still going to investigate. Because it frightened them too they said the person who did this really wants Manoban dead. But it's still haunted me if she wants to kill Manoban why is he going to stab himself just once that he can surely survive and if that happens he will go to jail right?' They told me to go to the hospital with them to see if we knew the guy" Wendy said.

"But I told you we didn't" I said.

"Maybe you but I still didn't see his face maybe I know him."

" Ms. Son let's go" The guy said.

"Are you coming with me?" She asks.

"Of course!" I said and we climb in at her car.

It didn't take long we arrived at the Kim highland hospital which is own by Kim's.
We climb out and follow the officers.

"Sir the operation of the guy is successful and the doctor said he still needs to rest maybe tomorrow he'll wake up" the guy said.

"Can we see him now?" Wendy said.

"Yes Ms. Son. Follow me" He said. we enter at the elevator and he pressed the button to the 3rd floor.

We walk a little bit and then we got into the room the police open the door. I saw in my peripheral view wendy's eyes widened.

"Are you sure he's the one who is laying with Lisa?" She asks, somewhat still can't believe.

"Yes ma'am. Did you know him?" the officer asks.

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