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Times fly so fast! think about that because it's Christmas right away?! I didn't even realize! but of course, we never forgot to buy a gift for our children.

Jennie and I go to the mall last week to buy gifts for kids and our parents and of course our friends! I don't want to buy the power puff girls a gift but Jennie forces me.

I mean why would I buy them when I'm sure they didn't buy me a gift? But anyway Jennie still bought them a gift! What a lucky dorks! I hope their wives bought me a gift too!

It's 5 Am and I'm just the only one who is awake. Today is December 25th and the weather is really cold even you're inside of your house.

I'm here downstairs in our living room sipping hot coffee by myself. I'm early eh? But anyways Jennie and I's gift for anyone is under the tall Christmas tree so yeah.

Jennie is been sulky these past few days cause she thinks I didn't buy a gift for her but the truth is I did! But it's a surprise! She will love it! I promise.

anyway back to my babies. They sleep late last night because they thought Santa Claus will come. I don't know why kids still believe that Santa is true.

When I was a kid I never believe in him because where did you see a reindeer flying? It's not true you know? But I can't tell them that cause I know that's children's happiness.

So last night in the middle of the night when I saw them already sleeping I sneak to their room and put candies and money In the socks that they hang on the wall.

Yeah, I'm always pretending to be their Santa every Christmas because that's Jennie's order and I just obeyed it.

"Hey" I look at my side and saw Jennie walking towards me still rubbing her eyes. Argh! So cute. "You're early today huh?" Jennie said as she joins me on the couch.

"You know I'm always early when Christmas" I said and chuckled. "Merry Christmas hon" I said and kiss her.

"Merry Christmas too" she said and smile at me "What time they will come?" She asks.

Our parents will come and Jisoo with chaeng and Jinu. It's our tradition every Christmas and we will open the present together in the living room which is here in our house.

Jisoo spends their night with Chaeng's family last night and they will come later while seulgi and Irene are in Seulgi's parents Mansion and Wendy go back to their home to celebrate Christmas.

"They'll come by 8:30 Am" I said and she nodded. "Do you want coffee?" I ask and she nodded.

I stand up and go to our kitchen and Jennie follows me too. She sat at the counter and I put her coffee in front of her.

"Thanks" she said I sat at the counter too and we kill the time by talking until it's already time to wake our babies.

"I'll wake them up and you go to shower" I said and she nodded and kissed me again.

I walk towards their rooms and saw them still sleeping peacefully. I walk towards Daehan's bed first and tap his shoulder. "Daehanie....wake up" I said and I tried it for the third time and he finally opens his eyes and sat up.

"Merry Christmas daddy" he said and kiss my cheeks.

Yeah they're really true to their words! Starting from that day they start to call me daddy and our friends just make fun of me by calling me daddy too!

"Merry Christmas too!" I said and hug him. "Go! Go! Take a bath cause your grandparents are on the way" I said and he really ran towards the bathroom because he knows it's present time.

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