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I'm currently here at the Mercedes Benz branch with Mr.Lee. honestly, I can't decide what car I'm going to buy.

It's hard to decide because all of their car models are nice but I'm not satisfied with what they requesting me they said it's the best seller but I want to see more.

I decided to go walk around inside the store and look for a car that could satisfy me while my eyes are roaming there's one car that caught my attention.

I decided to go walk around inside the store and look for a car that could satisfy me while my eyes are roaming there's one car that caught my attention

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I look behind me where the salesman is standing "Uhm, Sir what model is that car?" I pointed at the car just a few inches away from us.

"Oh yes, Ms. Manoban. that is Limited Edition I forgot to tell you about that car. by the way, that model is Mercedes-Benz GLC" he leads the way towards that gorgeous car.

"I want that, how much it costs?" I ask while tapping my foot on the floor.

"It cost 8.9 million dollars and you're the first one who will buy this if ever! We only have 10 models of this car in Asia"

"Oh really? that's good though" I want to have this but only me I don't want to share this good looking car "I will buy this but I'll pay the amount of that 10 cars but just keep the 9 models because I want to have this car alone so never sell the same model to others" I said looking straight at him and smirk.

"Yes Ms. Manoban we will remove it there immediately and I will ensure you that you are the only person who will have this model" he smiles and bow to me.

That's the power of money! I know I'm not really into expensive things but let's just give this car an exception Lol!

"Okay let's proceed to the papers so that I could bring this baby home" I said and we walk towards their office.


"Wow! Lisa this is cool! Lisayah are you going to pick me every morning?" Chaeng said pouting at me.

"What are you saying chaeng? don't pout you look like an ugly chipmunk!" I said and laugh.

"Yah! Your so mean! and I'll take it back! I don't need your car! I will buy one too!" Chaeng mock me. I just shook my head and chuckle.

I don't know what happened to us because just yesterday we never want to have a car and then tomorrow we already want to have one! But I'm sure chaeng wants to impress someone too.

"Hey Lisa? why did you suddenly purchase a car? as I know you merely like to commute than have a car" she asks while eating her grass salad...kidding.

I pretend to think before answering her. "let's say I'm planning to offer someone a ride to school and their house?"

"Omo! Is my monkey is in love?! Care to share who is this unlucky girl?" she said teasing me.

"Yah!! your mean! she's so lucky if ever" I said and take a bit of my pizza. "But Nah I'm not In love because I'm sure I'm just only admiring her" I said and wiggle my brows.

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