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"Are you done?" I ask. Today is the day where Jennie is leaving. It's 8:20 in the morning. Saturday.

"Yeah, let's go downstairs. I'll bid my goodbye to my Babies" she said and we go downstairs. I'm carrying her luggage.

This going to be a rough three days for me! Aissh! I don't know what I'm going to do once Jennie leave!.

You'll get through this. You're Lalisa Manoban.

Oh hell yes! I'm not Lalisa for nothing! I can do anything.

Besides I enjoy our moments last night. Do you believe we make love fo about 7 rounds? Our stamina is unbelievable!.

"Hey! I'm going to leave now okay. Please behave to grandma and grandpa and especially to your Dada. I'll come back quickly" Jennie said as she kisses Lia, Daehan's forehead. When she's about to kiss Lucas. He runs towards his room.

Jennie was about to follow but I stop her. "Let him be. He will be good eventually. And you're running out of time" I said. She looks and me and pout.

"We will take care of her Jennie. Don't worry too much. We will face time you later" Mom said.

She sighs in defeat. She faces Daehan. "Daehanie. Take care of your brother okay? Do your homework later if you guys don't have to do anything. Do you understand me?" She said.

"Yes mommy! Come back home quickly okay?" He said.

"Yes! I'll come back quickly. After three days I'm already here" Jennie said.

"Let's go hon. It's already 8:38. Your bus might leave you" I said. She kisses daehan and Lia one kore time.

"Bye my babies!" She said and we climb to my sports car.

"Aissh...I'm worried about Lucas" she said. I reach her hand and take a glance at her.

"I told you don't worry. I'll talk to him later" I said and kiss her hands. She nodded.

Didn't take long we arrive at the hospital. I already saw the three buses parking in front of the hospital. I climb out and open the door for her and get her luggage to the trunk.

We walk towards her co-doctors and they'll smile towards us.

"Goodmorning Mrs. Manoban and Dr. Manoban" they said. Told ya! It's nice to hear they called her Dr. Manoban.

"Morning to you too guys" I said and smile back at them. We walk towards where the most guy I hate and Nayeon and Jeongyeon.

"Hey! What's with the frown Limario?" Jeongyeon said.

"The great Manoban is jelly again! HAHAHAHA" Nayeon tease.

"Shut up you two!" I said and glared at them.  "Hey you" I called Jeongyeon.

"What?" She asks.

"You go seat beside this grump- aww!" I didn't finish my sentence when Jennie pinch me. "What's that for?!" I ask annoyingly.

"You're being disrespectful again!" She whispers yell.

"Whatever. So as what I'm saying is. Jeongyeon seat beside Kang and Jennie and Nayeon will seat beside each other." I said. Kang just looks at me with amusement.

"Yah!! She's my girlfriend and I want to seat beside her!" Jeongyeon fights back.

"No! You'll seat beside Kang" I glare at her but this stubborn crazy gay ran away dragging Nayeon.

I sigh in frustration. I look around and saw the other most trusted doctor of Jennie. "Hey!! Jihyo!!" I called but she's not looking. "Dr. Park Jihyo!" I called again and she looks at me and ran towards us.

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