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Sunday Morning

We've all gathered again here at the hospital of Ulsan. People or patient come here from 8:30 In the morning to 8:00 in the evening. Honestly, It's really tiring checking patient all day. My butt starting to feel numb because of all-day sitting.

I tried contacting Lisa last day because I found a signal just near here of the hospital but she's not picking up. Yes you heard me right. at our location the signal was weak so we couldn’t get much social media and call our family.

I miss my sons, daughter and especially my lovely wife. Even she's annoying I still miss her. I miss her pervertness. It's just been a day since I left for Ma medical mission yet I regret coming here. Aish.

Tomorrow night will be our last day and I can't wait for us to head back to Seoul I want to talk to Lucas because I know he's upset with me.

We just finished breakfast and went straight to the hospital so that we could see more patients. I sat comfortably in my chair and beside me Is Nayeon and other cardiac Surgeons.

"You look like a Panda" Nayeon whisper to me.

"What?" I ask. Confused.

"You didn't sleep properly last night? Or every day?"

"I can't sleep and besides I need to check some emails," I said.

"You should take care of yourself Jendeukie. Look at you. You look like a girl who has been raped by ten mans" she said and I smack her arms. "Aww! I'm just stating the fact!" She whined.

"Whatever you say nabong" I said and roll my eyes.

Patients start to come and we start checking them.


11:00 am and it's already our lunch break I'm with nayeon making our way to the canteen of this hospital. We will meet Jeongyeon and Jihyo there.

We enter the entrance of the canteen and Immediately spotted the two talking. We make our way to them and sat with them.

"Oh! You two are already here! How are you guys?" Jeongyeon ask.

"Tired" I said.

"Did you already ordered us food?" Nayeon ask.

"Jihyo and I ordered enough for us" she said and pointed the food in front of us.

"Thanks" I said and we start eating. We're almost done when Song Kang yell my name while running making his way towards our table.

He was panting hard once he reached our table. "What's wrong with you dork?" I said.

"L-lisa...lisa!" He loudly said. I quickly stand up once I heard my wife's name. I started to panic.

"What's up with Lisa?!" I said.

"Come with me! She's on news right now!" Song kang said. I didn't waste time and run after him. I saw Nayeon, Jihyo and Jeongyeon are chasing us too.

Kang leads me to their office and pointed to the Television. We saw Lisa and Dad answering the Media. It looks like they're having a conference. But for what?.

"They're having a conference. But for what? Do you know something Kang?" I ask.

"Yeah! I saw some of our co-doctors gatherings earlier and they're watching a video. I walk closer to them and saw Lisa with a girl kneeling in front of her. I ask them what is it and they said Lisa's video with that girl is viral. They started to bash lisa because they said the girl in front of her is her Sister" Kang explained. My eyes went wide along with Nayeon and Jeongyeon.

"LISA HAS A SIBLING?!" we said in unison.

"But how come? She's an only child. I've been with her for quite a long but I didn't know about this" I said.

"That's why I drag you here to know. Let's just watched the conference" Kang said and I nodded.

Reporter 1: Many netizens is not like how you treat a girl yesterday in the mall. What can you say about them?.

Lisa: I know, and all I can say is sorry. I apologize for my behaviour. I didn't mean to be rude to her I'm just shocked at that time and I can't hold myself but burst out. I'm so sorry to all of you if I disappoint you guys.

Reporter 2: How about you Mr. Manoban? What can you say to those people who kept bashing your daughter?

Mr. Manoban: all I can say is stop bashing my daughter. She doesn't deserve all your hate. Let me ask you this. If you guys are on my daughter's shoe that time What would you guys do If someone you didn't know claim you as a sister? You will freak out right? So what I'm saying is Lisa is just shocked by the revelation yesterday.

Reporter 3: You said revelation? So it means the girl in the video is actually related to Manoban's?

Mr. Manoban: Yes. She's Ji-eun Manoban. She's my eldest daughter. She's Lisa's sister.

Reporter 4: Mrs. Manoban how did you feel after you found out you had a sister? Did you get mad?

Lisa: Actually I didn't get mad once they explained to me all that happened in the past. In fact I'm so much happy to know that I have a  sister. Since I was young I always wish having a sibling to be my playmate and now that I'm already old and married I didn't need her as my playmate anymore. I need her as a person to lean on when I have a difficult time and vice versa. I love my sister and we're good.

Reporter 5: since you mention your wife. Can we ask If your sister and your wife Mrs. Jennie Manoban already meet?

Lisa: No, but they will meet once my wife already come back to Seoul. My sister can't wait for that to happen.

Reporter 1: Can we ask too If how's your married life?

Dad was about to stop Lisa from answering because it's not part of the issue but lisa is so stubborn so and she answered it.

Lisa: my life being with my wife and children is fine. I'm actually happy to be with them and spend time with them they're my happiness and strength. I love them so much.

Lisa said and smile ear to ear. I felt my heart beat abnormally. She still has an effect on me.

"You're blushing Dr. Manoban" Jihyo tease.

"No, I'm not!" I said and cover my face.

"Yeah you're not" Jeongyeon said mocking me.

"So it's clear as glass. You have a sister in law!" Kang said.

"Yeah, I'm happy to know that because I can see in Lisa's eyes how happy she is to know that she has a sister" I said.

"You'll meet your sister in law once we go back to Seoul. I'm sure she will love you!" Nayeon said.

"I hope so" I said and low my head.

"Hey? What's wrong?" Ask by nayeon.

"I just think...what if she doesn't like me? I mean she doesn't like me as her sister in law and wife for her sister?" I ask.

"Don't be so dumb Jen. You're already married to Lisa and if she doesn't like you she can't do anything because YOU. ARE. MARRIED" Jeongyeon said. Emphasizing every word.

"Don't stress yourself about that! She will love you because your so easy to love! Look at me! I just met you for a day but I start to like you as my friend" nayeon said. I smile.

"Thank you" I said.

"It's Nothing" she said. We go back at our room because our lunch break is over.

I'll try to call Lisa later and talk to her about it. I want to know about her sister. I still didn't see her face and want to know more about her.

Are my sons and daughter meet her already? I hope they will get along with their new auntie. I can't wait to head back to Seoul. Oh god! Please make this faster like a movie where they have fast forward Lol.

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