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I was awakened by the peeking sunlight through the big window in our suit. I remember our suits are direct to the sunlight. I rub my eyes and yawn.

I take off Lisa's hand on my waist and got up to freshen up. Today's morning is great to start our days it's really quiet and relaxing here.

I go inside the bathroom with my towel and brush my teeth before showering. The water is just perfect. It's not cold nor warm it's just exactly what I want every morning.

Once I'm done I do my rituals and go to the closet to wear my denim shorts and crop tops. we're still going to eat our breakfast so this outfit will be enough for this morning.

I already unpack our things last night and Lisa help me to put them in the closet so yeah. I go out in the walking closet and I was welcome by a awake Daehan. "Awee. My baby boy is already awake" I said as I walk towards him and kiss his cheek.

"Did you sleep well Daehanie?" I ask as he clings to me.

"Yes, Mom. Although Lucas is very annoying" he said and I chuckle.

"Maybe Lucas is having taekwondo In his dreams" I said and he giggles. "Go take a shower. We will go downstairs to meet your Aunties for our breakfast" I said and he nods before going to the bathroom.

I walk beside Lucas and wake him. "Hey Lucas...wake up now" I said as I tap his shoulder. After waking him for almost five minutes He finally opens his eyes.

"I'm still sleepy Mom!" He groans but clings to my neck.

"We need to eat breakfast and after that we will go swim" I said and he opens his eyes so wide using his hands and that cause me to laugh.

"I'm wide awake Mom!" He shouts too loud that causes Lia to wake up and cry. " oops! I'm sorry" he said and I just nod at him and tell him to take a bath.

I go to Lia's side and carry her cause she doesn't want to stop crying. I thought of letting her sleep again but I remember she was sleeping so long since yesterday and that's not healthy.

She stops whining as I carry her and she just rests her face on the crook of my neck.
"Are you hungry Lia?" I ask and I felt her head bob. "What do you want?" I ask her as I sat in their bed.

She faces me and smiles cheekily. "Pancake!" She excitedly said. Oh my God? Is my Lia is bipolar?.

"Will get you pancake later okay?" I said and she happily nod.

I saw Daehan going out of the bathroom wearing the clothes I ready for them last night. his khaki shorts and his white t-shirt that has the design of a train which is his favorite.

I stand up and make Lia take a bath too since the water is not cold I think she can survive this because usually, Lisa doesn't want her to take a bath with cold water In The morning.

After I bathed her I wear to her the clothes I ready too for her. We walk out and it's exactly that we heard a loud knock on the door.

I walk towards the door and open it to see the smiling Unnie with Chaeng and Jinu. "Let's go downstairs. They're already there waiting for us" Unnie said.

"Just take the kids there because Lisa is still sleeping. I'll wake her up" I said and they agreed. I gave Lis to chaeng and the boys go with their Aunt Jisoo.

I close the door and walk towards this sleeping Lisa and straddle on top of her. "Hon..." I said as I rest my head to the crook of her neck and kiss it.

"Hmmm" she hm with her eyes still closed.

"Wake up honey"

"Later Jen" she said and continue her sleeping beauty.

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