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I'm here at YG University parking lot walking towards my car...yes at my age I already have a car because I don't want to commute it's too hassle so I told my dad to buy me a car and he quickly bought me a black Audi A5.

I climb in my car and start starting the engine and go out to the parking...I'm on my way to our house when my phone vibrates. I glance at the screen and saw a message from my Dad.


hey my princess we are going to my best friend's house ... he's inviting us to dinner at their house so come home now hurry up please? and please tell your sister too.

I read my dad's message and my mood immediately changed I know this dinner is regarding the business as always. to be honest I don't want to go there but I don't want to disappoint my dad so no choice I need to go there

I text Jisoo unnie to come home Immediately because Dad said so. I didn't tell her that we're going to Dad's colleague.


I arrived at our house that fast and go straight to my room. I took a bath for 30 minutes, well I love myself so I need to take care of every part of my gorgeous body.

After 30 minutes I came out to the bathroom fully bathed and go to the wardrobe before I wear my plaid crop camisole and light blue jeans and put on my pair of white converse.

I came out to the walking closet and go to my vanity mirror and I put on a slight makeup and spray a sweet perfume and quickly leave out of my room.

I saw my dad wearing formal attire and walk towards him "Hey dad! let's go" my dad just nod and we go out to our house and go inside the car. We are in my dad's car and we have a driver. The driver starts the engine and drove to my dad friend's place.

"Dad where's unnie?" I ask because I can sense that my stupid sister is not going to us obviously she's with Seulgi at the bar.

"She said she can't make it this night because she has some agenda" oh see?! I knew it! that stupid chicken.

The ride is fast than I expected. We arrive early in this luxurious house It's a little bigger than our house but I can say this house is nice like I want to live here.

"let's go inside" my dad said and I nod and I start following him we stood in front of the entrance. My Dad rang the bell and someone Immediately open it.

"Hey! my best buddy! partner in crime! and my best friend!" The guy said who I'm sure is his friend.

"Hey! It's been a long time since we last see each other!" My Dad said.

"Yeah! Anyway welcome to our house bro!" He said and walk towards Dad and hits him "Wow! You didn't tell me that you will go here with your beautiful daughter! This is perfect! I will introduce you to my daughter!"He said and grin.

His eyes divert to the car behind. Dad notices it so he speaks. "I'm sorry chaerin and my oldest daughter can't join us. My wife is busy in the hospital she said she will go next time and my Jisoo has another agenda that's why she's not here" My Dad said.

"Yeah that's fine. Chittip is not here too so I guess it's only us and our daughter" he said and chuckle with my Dad. He leads us to their Dining table where all the food is laying on the table.

Oh! I forgot to tell you guys! my dad is a businessman he owns a Kim's Corporation company while my mom is a surgeon she is the most popular doctor besides Mrs. Manoban. My mum also owns the hospital where she's working.

My mom is the Chief medical officer while I'm a high school student at YG university My dream is to become a Doctor too like my Mum and my sister Jisoo will be the one to manage our company soon! poor chicken.

we're currently here at their luxurious Dining table waiting for Mr. Manoban's daughter. I'm already bored right now snd I want to eat already but this stupid daughter of Mr. Manoban is so fucking slow! Argh! I'm really hungry.

While my dad and Mr.Manoban are busy talking about their business a tall girl with blonde hair, cute eyes, beautiful and have milky skin like me shows up.

Our eyes met but once I feel the awkwardness I break our eye contact and divert to anything else. She sat in front of me. She looks adorable to be honest but a hint of bastard too.

"Lisa you are already here! by the way the person in front of you is Kim's this is Mr. Kim my best friend," he said pointing to my dad and he stares at me and starts introducing me " This beautiful girl in front of you is the daughter of Mr. Kim," he said and smirking.

What the fuck is wrong with this man?

Lisa stared at me and give me this cool vibe and speaks "I'm Lisa and I'm glad to know you Miss Kim" She said and smile at me.

What the hell? Even her smile is beautiful! oh my God! why I'm saying this? Aish I'm weird sometimes.

" Oh yeah Lisa" I said rolling my eyes "Please don't call me Miss we're both students here. Just call me Jennie" I added with a blank expression. well I'm known at University as a bitch cold-hearted woman and there's no way I will be nice to this woman.

"So you two already know each other so I hope you two become friends or lovers" he said and laugh with my dad. I glared at my Dad to shut the fuck up well thankfully he obeyed.

we start eating and I swear this food is delicious Mr. Manoban said that the one who cooked this food is her wife. Sadly she can't join us because Mrs. Manoban had an emergency call from the hospital.

She is a surgeon too and I found out that she's a friend of my mum I'm so amazed at their friendship.


The dinner is already done and now we are here in the living room talking about random things but  Mr. Manoban changes the topic to the company again.

"Since our daughter knows each other for sure they can be a great business partner too like us! let's prepare them to be the so Chief Executive Officer of KIM's corp. and MANOBAN's corp. what do you think man?" Mr. Manoban said.

"Oh man! I forgot to mention to you that the one who will be soon to be CEO of my company is her sister because this girl beside me is soon to be Doctor" My Dad proudly said "but you have a great point man! I think my eldest daughter need to know this daughter of yours I hope they get along" he added.

I'm just sitting beside my Dad listening to their boring topic when my phone suddenly rang I look at it to saw It's Jisoo.

My sister is calling me but I don't know why the hell she will call me at this time but I'm thankful she save me from this boring endless conversation of them.

"Uhmm...Dad. Chu is calling to me may I excuse myself?" I said and he just nods and I excuse myself to Manoban's before going to their garden.

I tap the answer button and Jisoo starts to speak "hey Jendeuk where are you? I'm here at the bar with Seulgi haha! don't you dare tell Dad anyways, who is a friend that Dad talking about?" Chu asks.

"Yah! you idiot chicken! how dare you not come with us!" I said yelling at her because who wouldn't? she's at the bar while I?! I'm stuck at this mansion with Manoban's

"Yah! don't yell at me I'm gonna beat your ass and for your information, I'm just enjoying my time as a student because for sure when Dad's give me his positions as a CEO for sure I can't go to the bar anymore!" she said and yelling back at me.

My face is already turning crimson red because of madness. How can she just have fun while I am here?!  I hang up the call without responding to her.

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