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I woke up because my phone kept ringing. I didn't mind it at first but it never stops and that frustrates me! "Argh! Can't someone please consider my sleeping beauty!" I groan and was about to sit up but I felt arms wrapping to my waist.

I look at the person beside me who is sleeping peacefully. She is so adorable when she was asleep but more beautiful when she's awake. I love this girl.

My eyes travel to her exposed breast and I felt my cheeks heated. I remember what happened last night. That was very intense lovemaking. Joy never changes! She is still the best among other women.

So apparently we came home really late because bear really wants us to be drunk. She kept telling the waiter to give us a bottle of whiskey so yeah. We all end up drunk.

I didn't let Joy go to her hotel that late and besides she's drunk so I just called our family driver to pick up Joy's car and we go home here in my apartment.

What happens once we arrive? Well...Joy happened.


Once I park the car to the parking lot of this building which is in the basement. I go to Joy's side and open the door for her. I'm already sober but this girl is really drunk.

I open the door for her and help her to go out. I was about to place her arms on my shoulder so I could help her walk but I was shocked when she hardly pushes me against the car door.

She pins my two hands above my head and slams her lips on my lips. Of course I kiss her back because I miss kissing her soft lips and I can't get enough of it since earlier.

Her lips travel to my neck and she let go of my hands because her hands travel to my coat and unbutton the three-down button to let her hand touch my stomach.

My hands travel on her onto her hips and holding to it tightly. Joy sucks my neck so hard and I can't help but moan. "J-Joy" I moan but I keep it low because we're in the parking lot.

She kept caressing my tone and while my hand make her way to her ass and squeeze it. "Ahhhh...ummmm" she moans on my neck and I felt her hot breath.

She goes back to my lips and kisses me hard again. I ask for entrance and she let me. I wander my tongue to her mouth and she sucks my tongue hard.

Our kiss lasts long and we pull out. "Let's continue to your place" she seductively whispered to my ear and bite my earlobe.

"Are you sure?" I ask her because we're really moving too fast. It's not that this is our first because we already do this so many times 7 years ago.

"I've never been so sure until now" she said and didn't wait for my answer before dragging me inside the elevator. This girl really can't wait because she pushes me again kiss me.

Once the elevator stops she pulls me out and we make our way to my penthouse. I Immediately unlock the door and open it. I pull her in and slam the door close before I slam her body to the wall.

It's my turn young lady. I kiss her lips like it will gonna be my last. my kiss went down to her neck and sucking it leaving so many Hickey's that for sure she'll scold me tomorrow.

My hands cupped her one breast and massage it cause her to gulp in pleasure. "U hmmm..fuck!" She curses.

While doing her she continues u buttoning my coat and once she finally unbuttons it she helps me remove it. I throw it elsewhere and continue what I'm doing.

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