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we just leave the resto here we're. On our way to the amusement park, yes you heard it right! we're going to an amusement park I'm doing this for her to be happy.

Jisoo told me yesterday that since they were a child Jennie wants to go to the amusement park but their parents don't allow them so here I am fulfilling what she missed when she was young.

Thanks to Jisoo. if not beacuse of her I don't really know what to do...I update her last night along with seulgi and wendy in face time I told them everything happened.


I told them what happened earlier and they're so much delighted to know that my Jennie loves me too anyways they know I have feelings for Jennie and they keep pushing me to confess but I never did until to the point that I need to expose my love to her.

"hey limario! I'm really really happy to know that you two are official now! I've been waiting for this to happen" Seulgi said.

"Oh..n-no guys. uhmm.. we're not yet official we just confess our love to each other but I haven't asked her yet" I said with a kind of feeling nervous.

What if tomorrow she will just wake up and tell me she doesn't love me anymore? oh men this is giving me an anxiety attack!

"WHAT?!! why you did not ask her?! you're an idiot! I'm sure my sister is overthinking right now! I'll smack you limario! " Jisoo said.

"Oh god...I'm sorry it's just I became excited earlier and forgot to ask her" I told them. "And I have a question too"

"what is it?" Wendy asks.

"Should I ask her to be my girlfriend already? or should I court her as a normal lover do?" I ask.

"Just ask her to be your girlfriend already! you already told her you love her and same as her so why do you need to court her? Please tell me I'm right"

"Yeah you're right Chu!! I didn't know your brain is still functioning hahaha!" Seulgi said as we laugh at her joke.

"But seriously Lisa...if I were you I will ask her to be her girlfriend already beacuse why not? like Jisoo said you love each other so what's the point of prolonging if you can ask her already" Wendy said.

"Yes brotha! ask her already go out tomorrow with her.. treat her like a princess go on dates just romantically ask her because that's Jennie's dream y'know when we were a kid she used to watch cartoons princesses and she told us she wants her future boyfriend to ask her romantically but scrap the boyfriend thing beacuse she will experience that to her future girlfriend" Seulgi suggest.

I was speechless beacuse of what I just learn about Jennie. I'm really in the right people to talk about her they know how to handle this and especially they know what Jennie wants.

"I didn't know you know everything about her... I'm jealous" I said and pout "Just kidding! Thanks seulgi bear! you help me a lot"

"Wait Lisayah! take Jennie to the amusement park! she'll love it I assure you that because she used to wish to go there when we were still young but sadly mum and dad don't want us to go there...I hope my chaeng and me will go there too" Jisoo said and pretend to be crying.

"Oh! that's nice chu! thank you for telling me and thanks to you guys I'm really lucky to have all of you as a friend thanks for the advice! and I'll call you guys tomorrow if we are already official!"

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