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"Okay let's stop now! Hahaha!" Jisoo said and they jump out of the banana boat and walk to the shore.

They're laughing endlessly because for our 6th ride to the boat I finally fell and that's what they want and they've been waiting for! Ahh! What kind of friends they are?!

"Come on Lisa! Come here!" Seulgi said still laughing at me.

I glare at them and grumpily go out of the water and walk towards them. "Yah! Can you guys stop making fun of me?!" I said already annoyed.

"We can't stop okay?! it's really funny because your so full of yourself just earlier than your impact earlier on the water is harder than us!" Wendy said and high-five the two.

"If seulgi didn't hold my one arm I wouldn't fell on the water! She tricks me!" I said glaring at her.

"Whatever Limario!" Seulgi said.

We started to walk again but I stop once I saw a familiar figure. "Is that our wives?" I ask as I look at the girls who are literally fighting.

"Fuck! My wife!" Seulgi suddenly shout and ran Immediately.

We follow her and for heaven's sake! They're fighting and Jennie and really on top of this girl. "Yahh!! What the fuck is happening?!" I yell.

"Are you dumb?! Stop them!" Joy smack me and push me towards them.

I Immediately hold Jennie's arm and make her stand up. I hug her so that she will not escape from me. Seulgi and Jisoo do the same to their wives.

"You better release me Manoban!" Jennie yells near to my ear as she shakes her body.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Look people are watching us!" I said and held her tighter.

"Now who is stupid huh?!" Irene angrily shouts to the three women who are having a hard time standing up.

I look behind us and saw the two bodyguards just watching us from afar and that makes my blood boil! Why the fuck they just let these girls fight?! Are they crazy?!

"Hey!! Do you perhaps want to lose your job?!" I shout to the two bodyguards and they Immediately ran towards us.

"I'm sorry Ma'am," they both said.

"Bring that there to where they belong! You crazy guards! Why the hell you just let them?!" I gritted my teeth.

"I-I'm very sorry Ma'am please forgive us," he said.

"Whatever! Go!" I said and they assist the three unknown women to their hotel room.

I release Jennie who is still humming and glaring at me. I just look at her and shake my head in disappointment. "Aishah! Why do you need to fight those girls?" Did I say?

My eyes fell on her arms that have few scratches and it's starting to bleed. "Look what happened to you! You shouldn't do that" I said as I held her arm.

"And what?! Just let them call us bunch of stupid?" She said and roll her eyes.

"But you know guys that you're not" I said.

"Just leave it Lisa. I'm tired" Jennie said as she walks towards Joy and holds...L-Lucas?!

What the hell?! They found Lucas and Jinu?! Oh my God! We're completely doomed! How could we forget about the kids?! Fuck that banana boat!

"We're going to our suite guys. Let's just meet at dinner I think will go to rest" Jennie said and the others agree because Irene and Chaeng have few scratches too.

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