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After meeting Sehun and Jimin for almost the whole day. Yeah almost because we talk about something.

I decided to go home since It's already late. I park my car at our garage and climb out. I enter our house and it's still dark. "Jen?" But no one answer. I tried to call her many times even roam the whole house, still no Jennie.

It's already 11 Pm why she's still not here? I contact her earlier for I don't know how many times but she's not picking it up.

I hook my phone in my jeans pocket and dial her number. I tried it ten times but she's not picking up again! Where the hell she is?!.

I pick my car key again and decided to go to the mansion, maybe she's there. She's getting on my nerves! Argh!.

Throughout the way, I pass at the Night market. I saw how peaceful the park at the right side of the Night market. I remember what Sehun and Jimin said to me earlier.

Maybe I need some time alone. And this is the perfect time and place. I thought. I park my car at the parking lot of the night market and walk toward the Park.

I sat at the corner of the bench and look up at the sky. Thinking If I'm going to believe what The two said. Well I should, because I'm there when that's happening.

" the world can be crueler?"
I said as my teardrop. I look down and place my hands on my mouth to prevent sobbing.

I stay there for twenty more minutes and Stand up. I was about to go to the parking lot but I see something. Is that her?.... It's Jennie...kissing someone. This can't be real. "This is Just a dream!" I whisper yell. My tears are kept falling. I can't stop.

She even clings her arm to the guy that I'm sure it's taehyung!. I can't help but to run to my car and punch the steering wheel. "FUCK!!!!!!" I yell and I sob.

I pick my phone and dialed the person who can help me with this.

I start my engine and drive past at the bar where my friends and the alcohol are waiting for me.  I climb out and walk-in where I saw them seating.

"I-It's T-true. I don't K-know why I...I didn't believe to you g-guys earlier e....even I'm there when that's h-happened.." I said to Sehun and Jimin as I sob hard.

The two came closer to me and hug me tight. "It's okay bro...everything will be alright. Just listen to her first before you burst out okay? Love problems can't be resolve if the anger will eat you" Sehun said as she taps my shoulder.

Sehun and Jimin called me earlier to meet up with them. saying the work I gave them is already done because there is proof that Taehyung and Jennie are kept seeing each other.

I believe them but I didn't let them know. If I tell them it's like I accept all the things I don't want to.

I don't want to admit that Jennie cheats on me. I don't want to believe that I'm not enough to her. I don't want to accept that we're not meant to be. And mostly I don't want to accept that she never love me.

It's fucking hurt to be cheated. Especially I love her with all my heart. My future is already settled with her, I don't want to have a family with others, but her.

The time I saw Jennie and Taehyung at the bench when we're in Spain I talk to Sehun and Jimin to make me a favor to give it a clear answer.

It's not that I don't trust her it's just taehyung is there whenever we are. It makes me want to know why.

Sehun and Jimin are A Mafia leader. Surprise? Yes, even Jimin is gay he's so strong when it comes to something related to solving a case even good at holding a gun same as Sehun.

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