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"What are you doing here?" I ask still frowning at Song Kang.

"I'm from Busan remember?" He said and chuckle. "You? What are you doing here? As I know you're from Seoul"

"My grandma Is living here in Busan so I visit her," I said.

"What's street is your grandma's house?" He asks.

"Why you have so many questions?" Said. Annoyed.

"Just answer it please," he said. Aish! Demanding!.

"Sinchon street"

"Oh?! Our house is in that street too!" He happily said. "What's the name of your grandma?" He asks.

"Kim Darashi" I plainly said but this stupid guy started to jump.

"I knew it! I knew it! You're Jen-Jen! Omg, we're neighborhood!" He said but I just look at him confused.  "Don't you remember me?" He said in a sad tone.

"No, please elaborate" once I said that he started to move like a monkey. "Just tell me!"

"I'm Kang-Hoo! You gave me that nickname when we were young! whenever you go here we're always playing here in the park!" He said.

"You're Kang-hoo?! Omg! It never crosses my mind you can be my childhood friend" I said and we both laugh.


9 years old Jennie

I'm super happy because we visit here again to my grandparent's house and you know what's the happiest? They leave me here for one week without my annoying sister! I'm so glad she didn't stay here with me so it means no annoying sister for a week woaah!.

"Jen-Jen are you done unpacking?" My grandma shouts behind the door.

"Yes, grandma! I coming out now!" I shout. I go out and was surprised because my grandpa Immediately carries me.

"I miss you My Jen-Jen! I hope Jisoo is with you too" he said. He tickles me and I laugh so hard.

"HAHAHAHAHAH grandpa! My tummy is hurts!" Once I state that he stops.

"I'm sorry Jen-Jen. I'm just happy you'll stay here for a week. I just wish you will live here with us" he said.

"Don't be sad granny! I will visit you so many many times! I love you!" I said and kiss his cheeks.

we look behind our back when we heard someone is shouting. "Unnie!!!!" It's one and only Yeri. They're living here in Busan too. Just across the street.

"Yeri!!" I said and hug her. "You're still fat!" I said and laugh.

"You're bad Unnie!" she whines and crosses her arms.

"I'm just kidding" I chuckled.

"Okay stop with that kids. Let's go and eat lunch" my grandma said. We eat lunch peacefully. My grandma's cook is really the best! I want to learn how to cook too!.

After we eat me and yeri go to the playroom. Our grandparents built this for us.

"Unnie I have a new barbie! Here you can play with it" she said.

"Thank you!" I happily said.

"Unnie I want to tell you something. I'm just curious" Yeri said.

"What is it?"

"I heard my mommy last night crying. I think they're fighting again" She sadly said.

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