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"Why tho of you are kept frowning?" I ask my two sons. We're in the car and on our way to home. It's already 6 Pm and for sure we will arrive there at past 7 Pm.

"I don't like him, Mom," Lucas said crossing his arms.


"Uncle Kang"

"And why you don't like him?. I mean his kind"

"We just feel it, Mom," Daehan said.

"You can't dislike a person without a valid reason. He did not even do something bad to you then you're going to talk like that to him. Please change that attitude okay?" I lecture them they both sigh.

"Fine Mom," They said in unison.

"Okay. I expect that you guys will be nice to uncle Kang okay?"

"Yes Mom,"  they said and they hook their Ipad to their bag and start to play.

"Uh, Mom. Don't you want to give us a brand new Ipad? This is already an old version" Lucas said. Showing me his puppy eyes! Argh.

"I'll think about it" I said.

I'm looking at the window of the car watching how the sun is setting when my phone suddenly rings.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Unnie!" Chaeyoung squeal.

"Oh yeah. Why did you call?"

"I was wondering If you can let me borrow your accessories"

"What? As long as I remember you have a bunch of accessories"

"I already wear all of ut and I don't want to use those again cause I want something new"

"Then go to the mall buy some new duh!"

"I have no time Unnie! I have dinner with Jisoo tonight to please let me borrow"

"Aish! Fine! Go to my apartment you know the password. I think Lisa is already there? Aish don't know Just take what you want to borrow"

"Omg! You're really the best Unnie! That's why I love you!"

"I know! Shoo! Go take it" I said and bid my goodbye. Lazy chipmunk.

I look at my babies and saw them already sleeping. I kiss their forehead. "Don't grow so fast. I love you" I lovingly said.

Since I'm sleepy too because I'm tired. I decided to sleep too.



OMG! I'm a super great actress! I convince Jennie unnie to let me borrow one of her accessories and that is one and only ring!

We plan this because we need to get her ring size. Well, we don't want Lisa to be embarrass once she propose.

I'm so happy for them!. They went through a lot but they never gave up. They still fight the love that is forming between them.

 Once they are already married, we're all already happily married except for wendy. I don't know, it looks like she has no plans to settle down she just likes to hook up to those whores.

As her best friend I hate to see her just like that. I want her to find her happiness again and built a family like us. I just don't want the idea of her being alone forever. Who will take care of her in the future? I mean we're not here for her forever same as her parents. Aishah.

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