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I'm here outside waiting for lisa. She doesn't want me inside because she said her outfit would be a surprise. I just said yes even though I really wanted to see what my girlfriend would wear to the ball.

I know that whatever Lisa wears will perfectly suit her because she's just perfect. Even if she wears the garbage bag she will still look hot for me.

30 minutes passed but she hadn't come out yet. What could be the possible reason? Aish! maybe that monkey is still playing tricks on choosing a suit.

I'm bored already and I want to get out of here and roam somewhere with Lisa.

10 minutes passed again but she's still not here. That's it! I can't just stay here doing nothing except using my phone.

I texted Lisa that I will just roam on the ground floor where the main store is and where Jimin’s dress designs are displayed. I stand up from my seat and walked to the elevator.

While I was inside the elevator I'm still scrolling at my phone. I didn't notice that I'm already on the ground floor.

Was about to go out but someone bumps me. "Hey! watch your way bitch." I whisper the last word. The guy is still using her phone not minding my presence.

I didn't know this person. but he kinda looks familiar. I study his figure and side profile well he's wearing sunglasses...Aha!
I knew it! he's familiar because he's my fucking gay friend! Kai.

I will play with this dork."hey! don't you feel sorry? huh?" I said and snatch his phone.

"I'm not. you witch gir-" he didn't finish his sentence when he sees me. I feel his body tremble cause of nervousness? or scared? hahaha whatever.

"What did you say? you didn't feel sorry? and what? I'm a witch?" I said in my serious tone and my blank expression. hahaha! his reaction is priceless. I suppress my laugh.

"J-Jen I didn't know I-It was you. I'm very sorry, please don't kill me with your glares I might die without tasting my daddy and I still want to carry our child" he said with pleading eyes.

What? daddy? is he referring to Jackson? Oh my god hahaha! and hell! is he serious about getting pregnant?

I burst out of laughter. "HAHAHAHAHA! You getting pregnant? that's ridiculous! You don't even have a vagina you only have that bird hahaha! where do you think your baby going to come out?" I said still recovering from my laughter as I motion him to sit on the couch inside the store.

"In my ass hole duh!" He mocks and I laugh really hard and loud some costumer and sales are looking in our direction. I stand up and bow at them and mouth 'sorry' to them.

"I can't believe you Jen! When you're angry you are scary and when something made you laugh you will start laughing hard and loud. you look like a crazy lady runs away from the mental hospital. so bipolar" He said and roll his eyes.

I chuckle "I'm sorry! It's just what you're telling me like you want to bear a baby is ridiculous and it will come out in your ass hole it's really funny" I laugh again but not that loud "Your baby is going to come out with poop all over his or her body if ever HAHAHAHA! and don't be a silly girl. You're not going to be pregnant or bear a baby beacuse both of you have no vagina! you gay stop dreaming" I said and giggled.

"What?! but Jisoo said I can be pregnant!  cause she said to me to used a condom if ever Jackson and I will make out just for me to be not got pregnant" he said and frown.

HAHAHA! Jisoo Unnie is really dumb! I wonder why she's my sister HAHAHAHA.

"You're smarter than her Kai. why would you believe in her? you know her, she's kinda high sometimes" I said and we laugh.

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