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We're on our way to the famous Arc de Triomphe here in Paris. Jennie and I decided to go to the Eifel tower at night because the Eiffel Tower  Is more beautiful when there is light it is very nice to behold.

"It's my first time to go to Arc De Triomphe," Jennie said. I glance at her like seriously?.

"I thought It's your fourth time to come here? How come you didn't go there?" I said.

"I know but whenever I go here to Paris I always just want to go to Eiffel tower. Just Eiffel tower" she said.


"I just love Eiffel Tower. That's the only reason" she said. I just shrugged.

There's a long silence in the car but it's not an awkward silence. I just focus on the road and Jennie looks at the window.

I was about to open the radio but Daehan asks something case me to froze.

"Dada why you're gone for work for so many years?" Daehan suddenly asks. What the hell? How can I answer that?!.

I look at Jennie asking for help. "I already told you the reason Daehan,"  Jennie said.

"But she can work in Korea. why does Dada need to work here? Far from us?" He asks again. I suddenly felt a pang in my chest the moment he said that. 

"U-Uhm...the salary Is much bigger here Daehanie," I excuse. He sighs and looks at me as if he's older than me. He crosses his arms like always Jennie does.

"You're the CEO Dada so you can have all the money even you're in Seoul," he said.  See?! I'm thinking if he's really three years old.

"Her main office is here," Jennie said.

"Bu-" Jennie cut him off.

"Stop there. just understand the situation. What important is she's here with us already" Jennie said at him.

Daehan just nodded in understanding. I notice Lucas is so quiet since earlier so I look at the side mirror and saw him sleeping peacefully in the backseat beside his hyung.

"It's really hard to talk to Daehan. He's so smart and we can't fool him" Jennie whispered.

"I agreed. he inherited his intelligence from me. Aishah" I said and sigh. But this woman beside me slaps my arm.

"You're so full of yourself! He inherited it from me duh!" She said.

"Yeah, yeah! Even your tiger attitude they inherited" I said and shake my head.

"Yeah and I'm glad that they inherited it than your pervertedness!" She said and roll her eyes.

"But You love my pervert side," I said and wiggle my brows.

"You wish"  I just chuckled.

After 10 more minutes of driving, we arrive. Lucas is already awake and we all go out.

"This is amazing!" They both squeal.

"Dada please let's bring that home! It looks like a giant lego built" Lucas said. Jennie and I laugh hard.

"We can't bring that home baby! Look it's so much bigger than our apartment" Jennie said and giggle.

"You should think first before saying it out loud," Daehan said and laugh. Teasing his little brother. Lucas got annoyed and he punches Daehan to his arm.

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