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"NO YOU WILL NOT GO ANYWHERE" he said and slam the table. I'm just thankful we're in the VIP room.

"I can go whenever I want. This is my life and I want to be with my girl" I said and stare at him. I saw how their facial expressions change.

"You got to be kidding me!" He said and laugh sarcastically.

"No, I'm attracted to a girl and that's the fact!" I said.

"No! You can't be with a girl! You're not gay!  You are not a freaking disgusting gay!" He said and glaring at me.

"Yes I am and you can't do anything about it! I'm gay and you need to open your eyes and accept that your only daughter is gay!" I said and the next thing I felt is his palm. He slaps me.

"I don't have a gay daughter!"

My head stays to the right and a tear escape in my eyes. I won't be a coward again. "If you can't accept me and my love for my girl then don't consider me as your daughter. Live your life as if I never exist. I'm tired of being always treated as a robot. I'm sorry but I can't do what you want" I said and ran outside of the restaurant.

I go inside my car and call my assistant.

"Yes attorney?"

"I told you don't call me like that when we're not working" I said.

"Oh yes. I'm sorry Ms. Park. So what can I do?"

"Go to my house and get my luggage in my room it's already ready and bring it to the airport now. Bring someone with you so there's someone who will drive my car back to my house" I said.

"I'll do it Ms. Park" she said and I hang up.

I drive towards the Airport and my tears keep streaming. Yes I did answer them like that but They're still my parents. I love them but if they can't accept me... I advise them to just forget that they have a daughter.

After my call to Stacey earlier I pack my luggage because I already plan this. I already book a flight to Korea and All I need to do now is contact Lisa.

She's the one who can only help me there and I need her to accompany me. Lisa and I last talk is when she called me about Hanbin's case and after that I didn't talk to her again.

After 20 minutes I arrive at the airport and park my car. I already saw my assistant and I don't know who is the one with her but I guess that guy will drive back my car.

I approach them and get my two luggage "U-Uhmm Ms. Park where are you going?" She asks.

"I'm going back to Korea" I said.

"You mean your home town?" She asks.


"Are you going to go back here" she asks.

"I don't think so. I already talk to Attorney William and ask him if he could transfer me to Korea and he agreed so starting from next month I'll work there already" I said. she sadly Nodded to me. "Thank you for being my assistant for years" I said and she smiles.

I was about to say something but they starting calling my flight in Korea. Yeah this is an early flight tonight. I give the key to my assistant and was about to enter inside the gate when my assistant says something.

"I'll miss you Ms. Park!" She said and got teary.

"I'll miss you too!" I said and smile at her I walk towards the gate and they check my passport and ticket and let me in.

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