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Hell! She's the one who is at fault for why I'm there and I didn't even expect taehyung there! She even has the guts to accuse me of flirting? What the actual heck?!! I'm fucking hurt triple times!

Ditch me on our anniversary, accusing me and letting me there. She's been watching me from afar since earlier! She mentions it. Why would she do that? She didn't trust me? She expects me to do such a thing towards taeh?! I'm really upset.

I just want to avoid her for now. Don't want to talk to her. So many what if are floating in my mind like what if she falls out of love? What if she has a new girl? What if....our future together will never happen.

Just thinking of that hurt me. I cried even more for I don't know if I'm overacting but whatever we have different sentiments. I cried even in small things.

I think we need to head back to SK. At least I enjoy the two days vacation with her but the reason why we came here never happened. Sadly, I think this is the worst day for us.

I hook my phone in my pocket and dialed my Dad's number. "h-hello?"

"Yes, princess? Are you okay?"

No, dad! Freaking No!.

"I'm fine Dad. I just want to head back to Korea tonight so can you ready the plane?" I ask.

"Oh! Is that so? Okay. But Jen whatever is it. You'll be fine" he said.

"Thanks, Dad" I said and hang up. I started to pack my things and ready myself. I don't know if Lisa will come to me tonight.

I stand up once my luggage is ready and that is exactly what I heard the door opens and it reveals Lisa. I diverted my gaze to anything but not her. Not in her eyes.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

I didn't mind her just walk passed to her and was about to open the door of the suite but she spoke "Don't be like this tell me"

"Flying back to Sk" I said "if you want to come with me tonight then go if you want to stay then stay" I said. If she stays then she has a chick.

"No, I'm going" She said and packed her things too.

We call the driver or the owner of the car we rent and he drives us to the airport and we immediately climb on the plane. I seat across from her because I don't want to be on her side. Not now.

The whole flight is completely quiet we didn't talk. But I can sense she has been taking a glance at me. I act like I didn't know.

Our flight lasts long 6 hours and we landed here at SK at 7 pm. I text chu to give me a lift and she agreed.

We exit at the airport where I saw chu and chaeng they're leaning to their own car. I think lisa called chaeng too? Or maybe chu do?

"Hey!" Chu said as she hugs me and Lisa and same as chaeng.

I think they know the situation because they didn't ask more "Let's go Jen you must be tired and chaeng drive safely okay? Love you!" Chu said and peck at chaeng. I didn't mind them and just go inside the car. Not looking at Lisa. It's a really big deal what happened today.

Once Jisoo gets in she drives us "Are you okay Jen?" she asks.

She's just the only person I can talk to right now "Actually no. She hurt my ego. Never in my life someone accuses me of cheating. This is the second time someone ditches me on our anniversary. Do you know Unnie? I don't want to think this to her. But what if she and Hanbin are just the same? What if she slept with others. The reason why she's avoiding the topic about anniversary yesterday and ditch me today is" Just what if but it kills me. I never trust people easily as I did to Lisa. I hope she's not like that.

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