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"what's up workaholic monkey!!!" My Friend barge into my office.

Argh!! He's here again?! Should I fire him already? He's always bothering me every lunch or every break time.

"What do you want Mino?! I will fire you! I'm your boss you should just knock. You know?" I said and roll my eyes and back to what I'm doing. While this stupid sat on my table like a boss!.

"Stop that bossy side of yours Manoban. It's break time so it means You're not my boss right now! As in now!" He said while pointing at me.

"I should change my COO. What do you think?" I ask him and smirk. He trembles instantly and kneels in front of me.

"Oh God lis! You know I'm your best friend for what? For 3 freaking years and I never let you down! You know that! Let's go and eat lunch. my treat BOSS" he emphasizes the last word. I chuckled and shake my head. I stand up and follow him to go outside for a lunch.

"Somi! Why don't you join us huh? I'll treat you two!" Mino said. Somi is my Secretary.

"Wow! What's up with you Mino?? I'm thinking if the two of you earn a lot of money for being drug dealers?" Somi said. Teasing Us again.

I pick the ballpen to her table and throw it to her face. "YAH!! OPPA!" she said at me. Yes! She's calling me Oppa because according to her I'm like a big brother to her. She never called Mino Oppa because she said Mino is too ugly to be called Oppa. See? I'm that handsome.

"Shut up Somi! Other employees might hear you and believe in what you just said!" The two chuckled. The tree of us goes down to eat.

Anyways! To not waste your time. I will tell you what happened to me in 4 freaking years.

I'm currently a CEO of a multi-billion company. Manoban Corporation. are you confused why I didn't work as a photographer? Well I change my plan the day I step my foot in the US. photography is become my hobby but not my passion anymore. As a CEO I love my work. I'm working hard for my employee and my family.

I'm living here in Paris, France. Yes we have a branch here. Our company is not just the biggest in Asia But In Europe too! We're still in the top one. The ranking didn't change.

The day I graduated From the US my father ask me If I'm ready to go back to Korea. But I said no. And I'm not planning to go back there. I don't want to see the person who cheated on me.

I Even ban her from the US when I was there. I'm thankful she's not coming here...I'm thinking if she's already a successful Doctor?..argh! Never mind and I don't care about her.

Anyway, My father Ask me if where I want to have my main office and I said here in France because this is a new building of the Company. This is the Main building in Europe. for Asia Is Korea. I'm the one who is managing all of that.

Did you know? There was a time where all of the CEOs is needed to be in one event. But I didn't come there. Why? Because I'm sure my friends are there! Jisoo, Wendy, and Seulgi are surely there.

Joy? She's my lawyer! I told you she will be my lawyer. She's still living in the US she doesn't want to leave her Auntie. Her parents will come there when holidays.

Bambam and yeri are still together! I'm jealous but there's no way I will love again. Until my last breath. Anyway. Bambam and Yeri are living here too. Bambam is an architect! Successful architect! Lol, he's the one who is designing the famous museums and buildings! Yeri is a doctor. PEDIA Cause she loves babies.

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