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1 month later

It's been 1 month since the event happens or let's just say...New year. Many things happened in one month and it's all full of love and happiness.

Wendy and Joy got back together. Joy agreed to wendy to live with her in her penthouse because Joy thinks that it's time to make it up to Wendy by living with her.

She wants to be the one who will cook for her love so that wendy would not going to order cooked food and she wants to clean the house and whatsoever. In short, she wants to be a wife material.

Since their lovemaking in New year of course it never stops it too. They just can't get enough to each other. They are always making out every corner of the penthouse. Both of them are happy because They finally have each other.

While Lisa and Jisoo's resort continues to make her name for her own. Their resort is been in news and they are planning to do many projects together.

they found out that the resort came out successful and they want to build another resort in different county's.

Lisa is already okay with her family because she doesn't have to worry anymore. Hanbin is out of the country and no one can touch her family because the biggest brutal enemy is already erased in the country.

It sounds rude for anyone to how she still thought about hanbin being brutal but she doesn't care. She just believes that once a brutal is always brutal and she can not just forgive and forget.

She just believes in forgive and forget if she knows a person deserves it and it's clear as water that hanbin doesn't deserve it. Not every story needs to end in the quote of 'forgive and forget.

Speaking of forgiving...Lisa finally forgives her grandmother after a month. Her grandma does her best to prove to Lisa that she regrets everything and she wants to be part of the family again and Lisa sees in her own eyes that her grandma is now had good intentions for her family.

Her grandma is the real definition of deserving. Although hanbin never had a chance to prove it to her yeah she just doesn't care.

Anyway, she still doesn't open the envelope that Hanbin gave to her. She does not have time for it to open but she will surely open it to know what's inside of the envelope.

She was curious as hell so yeah she plans to open it and she actually brings it with her because they are heading to Hawaii with her family and friends.

They plan to visit the resort of Jisoo and Lisa since then but It got cancel again and again so finally, they are going to head there and of course to celebrate chaeng's birthday.

They are supposed to go there to celebrate Jisoo's birthday but got cancel and they move it to before Jennie's birthday but they move it again so luckily Chaeyoung's birthday is the exact date where everyone is not busy.

It's February 9  now and Chaeng's birthday is February 11 so they have two days before Chaeng's birthday and they're going to stay there for a week and everyone clean their schedule since they have not an important thing to do unlike last month.

Family Manoban and Kang along with wendy and Joy are already in the airport and only waiting for the latest family in their squad. The Kim's.

They're going to use Lisa's private jet so lucky them they can move their flight whenever they want but if they just use the public plane for sure they already leave the Kim's.

"I'm very near to kill Jisoo! She's the reason why they're late! She is so grumpy!" Seulgi groan.

"That chicken! I'm already hungry! I'll eat her instead!" Wendy said wearing her long face.

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