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Thank God it already breaks time I'm so hungry. Me, Jisoo unnie, joy, seulgi and Irene are heading to the cafeteria to get something to eat.

we sat at the same spot where no one can seat except us. shortly after we arrived, Lisa with two idiots came off too.

They eat while chatting while I am just quite not wanting to join their chitchats. I'm still embarrassed for thinking dirty things and accusing Lisa.

"Hey, Jen? why you're so quiet today? something wrong?" Irene unnie asks.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about something." I said giving her a reassuring smile, she didn't bother to argue she just nodded.

We finish our lunch and go back to our respective classrooms before the bell rang.

I'm thinking about this coming ball that the student counselor's idea since we have only two months to go before we graduate from high school.

I've been thinking about what dress would fit me or who will be my date that night. Until now no one dares to ask me to be their date but I don't care beacuse I'm waiting for a certain person who I would love to be my date.

The ball is 2 weeks from now and my friends already had their date. of course with the love of their life.

I'm wondering if Lisa already has a date? what if she already had? who will be my date? what will gonna happen to me? Argh! this is getting on my nerves!

While I'm on the train thoughts someone snaps me out "hey!! Jen!!?"


"Jennie fucking Kim?!! are you lost???!! your spacing out again! you idiot!" well he's none other than KAI, the annoying gay.

You're wondering why we got this close? well, it's beacuse Kai is Fucking annoying!! he's been bothering me about my friend Jackson! his crush. well, he's a damn gay! at first, I thought he had a crush on me beacuse who wouldn't think of that? he asks my number to my sister.

But he explains to me why he asks for it, he said he asked for it beacuse he wants to be a friend to me. he also does that because kai wants me to help her to be close to my childhood friend. Jackson Wang.

he said he like Jackson since the first class of seventh grade but he never got a chance to talk to him because he's a very ignorant person.

Jackson is the kind of person who doesn't care about his surroundings or people he doesn't know, like strangers. he just cares about his family and close friends. which is me and Jisoo.

he is also not friendly. when we're just a kid we love to read books. we have a similar hobby that's why we got a click in just a day. while Jisoo, she's totally opposite of us. she hates reading books, according to her it's boring to read nonsense books.

She's just close to Jackson because they both love to eat chicken and play games.

Now we rarely see each other because of private matters. I don't know to kai why he knew I'm close to Jackson.

"Why? don't tell me you're going to bother me again about seeing Jackson? I told you he's ignorant and I don't even know if he's gay"

"Please Jenjen?" he pouts

"Don't pout, You're ugly. And No, once is enough. why don't you approach him by yourself? are you that weak when it comes to him?"

"of course not! Ya know when I'm talking to him I stutter and that turns me to embarrassment" he rolled his eyes. argh! this ugly gay is really whipped. "I know that damn ball is frightening you as well as dress. hmmm... If you'll help me I will find you a beautiful dress that all men will drool over you! promise! I will accompany you to the best designer in town!" he squeals like a child but I love his offer and correction you gay! I will use that dress not for those men but to my friend haha! Lisa. I smirked.

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