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After Christmas 

It's Sunday in the morning when Jennie wakes me up because she wants me to do the grocery. After all, we're out of stock. Jisoo and Chaeng really don't stop eating our stocks of food! They're really food buddy!

10:56 Am and here I am doing the grocery. I write in my notes all I need to buy because Jennie said so. I'm here now at the milk station because I need to pick Lia's powder milk.

Lia is still drinking her milk with her baby bottle. We tried to teach her to drink milk in a glass but she just doesn't want to let go of her baby bottle.

After picking the box of milk I go to another section and pick all I need to buy and after picking all of it we make our way to the counter to pay.

Yeah 'we' because I'm with this boy right here. Lucas comes with me and I just let him because why not right?. Daehan doesn't want to come with us because he said it's tiring to walk nonstop in the supermarket.

But this kiddo enjoys this because he's inside of the cart while I'm pushing it. I thought the guard will stop us but he didn't. Well, we're Manoban that's why! Kidding.

I put Lucas down and put the groceries at the counter and pay for it. They put it in the bag and let me carry it. Both of my hands are carrying the grocery so I can't hold Lucas's hands anymore.

"Lucas don't go anywhere okay? I can't hold your hand because I'm carrying this" I said.

"Yes Dad" he said and we walk towards the exit.

I put the groceries in my trunk and was about to put Lucas in the backseat but he shouts so loud. "Ella!!" He said and I look at my back where he's pointing and there. I saw Ella with her mother and what? that Tzuyu?

Ella is already released from the hospital and she's already fine. Jennie makes sure that Ella will not go home until she's fully fine but I heard to this kiddo Ella is still not going to school.

They look at our spots and they smile towards us. Indeed, Tzuyu. They look like they just finish doing groceries too because they're holding bags from the supermarket too.

I didn't notice they're already making their way to our spot. "Lisa!!!... it's been a long time!" Tzuyu happily said and I smile back.

"You know each other?" Mina asks.

"Of course! I will never forget my first crush who turns me down" Tzuyu jokingly said and I laugh.

"But she's like a sister for me you know" I said. "How about you? You know each other?" I ask confused.

"Of course! Did you see this pretty lady beside me Manoban?! She's my freaking girlfriend for almost three years already!" Tzuyu proudly said and my mouth form to 'O'.

"You're not lying right?" I ask.

"Yeah..we're girlfriends Lisa. I know she's too ugly for me but don't mind it" Mina said and I burst out laughing while tzuyu sending daggers to us.

"Aish! People are so mean nowadays" she said and we just chuckled.

"Lucas! I miss you!" Ella suddenly said and I giggle because my son hides behind me.

"Hey, Lucas! Ella misses you!" I tease.

"I'm not deaf. I heard it" he savagely said.

"I see your son inherit your wife's savageness" tzuyu said and chuckled.

"Hey! You're so mean to Jennie! She's kind you know" Mina said and Tzuyu and I just laugh.

"Because you never see her tiger side! Jennie is the most savage woman back in high school!" Tzuyu said and I nod in agreement. My wife is scary and I wouldn't deny it.

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