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Two days passed but they still have no clue where's my Lucas. They can't track where the kidnappers took Lucas.

I've been crying secretly because I don't want daehan to see me crying and being weak. I'm trying my best to pretend everything is alright when I'm with him. Sometimes he will ask me to play with him and I did. But my mind really can't forget Lucas.

I'm praying every time to keep Lucas safe from those bastards. I hope they letting Lucas eat and they didn't hurt my son.

I thought they would find Lucas in just a day because they have the plate number. But they can't trace where the hell is it!.

I'm always contacting the police who came here that time because I just can't stop worrying. I'm here doing nothing while my son is in danger.

My connection to Lisa was cut off since the day Lucas got kidnapped. I didn't message her nor call her.

I want to tell her. You didn't know how much I want to tell her and ask for help. But I just can't do it so suddenly. She might panic and the worse is she might deny our child and I don't want that to happen.

I'm so sick of my mistakes. I don't want to hurt my sons' feelings.  I don't want to do a fucking mistakes where anyone can hurt emotionally or rather physically.

Lisa might be wondering why I'm not contacting her...I hope she stayed patient.

I ask for help from D.O too since he has the highest position as a police officer. He can help us more and I thank him because he's always by my side whenever I need his help.

Our friends. They're still here at the mansion cause I still didn't let them go home. After all, It's so risky for us to just go outside knowing Hnabin Is just outside like he is Innocent.

I've told Irene and Rosé about what we find out. They panic once they heard it but we told them we need to be more careful because D.O still investigating the letter. Because we're still not 100% sure.

He said there a lot of people who can have that tattoo But there's a high possibility that hanbin can do about this.

Hanbin. Hanbin suddenly disappeared after the incident. I told D.O that and he said maybe hanbin is the mastermind of all of this.  I hope we can have all the proof so we can put Hanbin in jail.

It's already 7 Am when I decided to go out of my bed. I carefully stand up to not wake daehan. He's been sleeping here with me since that day.

I brush my teeth and go downstairs. I saw them all there eating breakfast so I join to them.

"Good morning Jen," Irene unnie said.

"Morning." I shortly said.

One of the maids make a coffee for me and I started rating our American breakfast. It's bacon, egg bread and more.

"Why don't you go outside with Daehan Jen?" My Mom said. Yeah, they still don't know about Hanbin being first on the list who might be the one who did our dilemmas.

"I can't Mom. I can't just go around with Daehan knowing Lucas Is still not in the good hands." I said.

"But how about Daehan? His your son too" Dad said. I got annoyed so I stand up.

"I don't let Daehan feel neglect. I'm doing my part as a parent. I can't go around with him It's dangerous and you know that Dad. I'm scared If I did they might kidnap Daehan too and I don't want that to happen" I said and nearly cry. I go upstairs again because I lost my appetite.

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