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After a long drive, we arrive at the place. It's already 6:17 and that's really perfect! Because the sea is more beautiful when there's sunset.

This is really romantic! I'm going to be with the love of my life in my favorite place while the sun is setting. I look at my side and the back seat and saw the two girls sleeping.

Really?! It's just half-hour and they fell asleep that fast?! Wow! I envy them cause I really can't sleep that fast.

I poke Irene to wake her up. She slowly open her eyes and I smile at her and kiss her forehead. "We're here" I said and she sat up properly and look at the back. "She's sleeping too. Should we wake her up too?" I ask.

"No. She's tired cause she just ran the whole day in the house so just let her rest" she said and I nodded.

I climb out and just turn off the engine and open the window in front because if I close it she will suffocate so yeah.

I go to Irene's side and help her to climb out. She looks at my back and her mouth really went agape.

"This is really beautiful Kang. I love it here!" She said and I giggle. Loving her reaction.

We're just the only one who is here making it more great cause of the silence and only the wave of the sea you will hear. This place is really not that known and just a few people who are just going here.

I think they just like me who discovered this accidentally.

The beach has emerald water and a white shore. There are these big rocks too and there I'm always seating while watching the sea. "Let's go closer" I said to Irene and held her hand.

"How about aleyna?"

"We're not that far and we will see her if she goes out so don't worry" I said and she nodded.

I'm still in my business attire cause I don't have time to change anymore. When we're already on a shore I take off my shoes and that cause Irene to frown.

"Why are you taking off your shoes?" She asks.

"And you are too" I said and make her take off her sandals. "Let's go. Let's just feel the water" I said and kiss her head again.

She agreed and we walk towards the water. We just let our foot get wet because that's the point lol. "I really love it here ahhh" she said and close her eyes. Feeling the breeze.

"Oh really? You love it here?" I ask and she nodded. Her eyes are still closed and I think about something.

Of course I'm not Seulgi if I let this chapter end without any stupidity happening! I scoop water using my hand threw it to Irene's face. I laugh hard when she opens her eyes and it's already burning in fire men!

"KANG SEULGI!" she growls and I laugh and started to ran on a shore. My preggy wife didn't let me win and really chase me. "I'll really kill you!" She shouts and I stop running and laugh hard.

She reached me and start to kick the water at me too. Of course I didn't let her and we just have this water fight on the beach lol.

Her madness turns to happy face and she started to laugh with me. "Stop it now bae" I said but this wife of mine is just a devil and really don't stop until I'm already soaking wet. "Look at me! I'm wet now!" I pout.

"You started it!" She said and laugh.

I just shake my head and walk closer to her. I hug her behind and I hear her sigh in relief. "Why?" I ask.

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