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"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone. I just woke up and did not even bother to check the time. I sat up and just keep all the lights off.


"HOLY SHIT!!!" I said and stand up before running towards the bathroom.


Our class is already done and now I'm planning to join the dance club. I've been thinking about it since yesterday and now I came out to the thought of. 'Why not?'.

I love dancing and all of my friends and family know that because some of them have already seen me dancing. I know I'm good at all genres yes I'm cool, hot.....just kidding

I start walking towards the gym because someone said the president of the club is there and maybe they will let me show my face skills there too.

I walk inside and I was welcomed by a cute shot girl who is smiling at me. "Hello Miss are you planning to join our club?" the girl asks.

"Yeah If I still have a place in your club?" I jokingly said and we chuckled.

"Of course! come here fill up this thing" she said and handed me a paper. "I'm Dahyun President of this club and the girl right there is Sana" she said.

"I'm Lisa and I'm glad to meet you Dahyun"  I said and give her a wide smile.

After I was done filling up the paper I give it to Dahyun "here I'm done" I said and she took it to my hand.

" the way Lisa I did not mention to you that you need to show me and Sana your dance skills and it's your choice to what genre you want to dance" Dahyun said.

"Oh? when?" I said and still a shock by the sudden declaration.

"Now" Dahyun said and I want to curse because I'm not really ready for this day but I have no choice but to show them.

"Okay but can you give me 10 minutes to practice? I'm not really ready for this" I said hoping that she would at least agree.

"Sure you can"She said.

"Thank you! Thank you very much!" I said and hug her tight.

"Oh L-Lisa" She nervously said.  "distance please. my girl is just there she might catch us and if she did we're both dead" she said and chuckled. I quickly pull out.

"I didn't know that you're into girls huh? well we're the same" I said and we chuckled and she leaves me so I can practice for the short time.

I sat on a chair and get my phone in my bag and start texting Mrs. Lee. she's been our maid for 10 years and serving us with all her heart and I consider her as my grandma.

Mrs. Kang:

Mrs. Kang can you go to my room and get my sports bra and pants and my Balenciaga shoes and tell Mr. Lee to bring them to me right now. Thank you.

while waiting for Mr. Lee to arrive I start practicing my dance I chose a sexy dance because I'm good at that.

It took 5 minutes before Mr. lee arrived at our university and I quickly change after he gave me my things now that I have already changed my outfit  I'm ready to show my dance skills too!

After 3 minutes Dahyun told me that I only have 2 minutes before I start but I told her that I'm already ready so she bought me to the studio and I chose my song that will be desirable.

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