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"Lisa! Your spacing out again!" Bam-Bam said.

Yes, I'm here in the US with Bambam and Ten. They're the one who manages everything I need here. Apartment, Clothes, Car And more.

It's been a week since I left the country. I'm always crying at night and drinking. I tried to divert my attention to anything but Nah. She's still in my mind, I can't think of anything but her.

"Sorry, I'm just thinking of something," I said as we walk to the exit of the university.

"You're thinking about her? Don't you?" Ten ask.

I stop and Look at them with my watering eyes. They know me. The two come closer to me and pull me for a hug.

"You're going to be okay bro, Just do something that will forget you of her"  Bambam said.

"How Am I supposed to do that? Everything I did is remembering me of her! I can't stop thinking of her. Do you think I do the right thing?" I ask them.

"You did the right thing bro. No matter how hard the situation is, always believe that something beautiful is going to happen lis" Ten said.

"But I'm hurting! I thought when I go away from her and end what we have I will be in peace. But no! I hurt myself even more!" I said and sob at Bambam shoulder.

"Remember this Lisa. Nobody is worth stressing over. People come and go. Move on and go find yourself, the world is yours. Life goes on." Ten said as he taps my shoulder.

"Let's go! We don't have class tomorrow! We should go for a drink" bam said.

"Yeah, in Lisa's place!" Ten said. "See you there lis!" He said and they climb on Bam's car and I go to mine.

While driving I was thinking of what the two said. "I think I do the right thing. We're not meant to each other..." I said.

I arrive at the building where my apartment is on the last floor on the top! Yes, penthouse. Dad arranges this for me two years ago. He thought I would accept his offer but no. Still thanks to him, this makes sense now.


the elevator arrives on the last floor. I go out and go directly to my room. I change to my hoodie and pants.

"I should go buy some beer before they arrive."  I go downstairs and decided to just walk. Well, the convenience store is just near here.

I open the door and go to the Beer section. I pick ten bottles and go to the counter. I'm still looking at my wallet as I put the beers at the counter.

"$1000 Miss," the person said.

I pick the amount of money and look at her to give the money....but to my surprise! It's Joy! We look at each other surprised.



"What? What are you doing here?" I ask confused?

"I should be the one to ask you that..." She said. "Before I answer you...Are you mad at me too?" She asks and looks at me with hope.

"Of course not! I would never interfere with the two of you" I said.

"Stacy!" Joy called the other girl. "I'm going to take a break...I just need to go somewhere. Is that fine?" She asks.

"Yes, take your time." The girl said as she smiles at me. Joy go to her locker and changed.

She came out motion me to follow her. I pick the plastic beer and carry it with me. I text Bam and Ten to wait for me there.

We walk across the street where the café. Joy enters first and I follow her to the table. We order our coffee and I started to spoke. "So what makes you come here?"

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