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Wednesday: 8:20 PM

I arrived at this luxury restaurant. I know I'm late. Bambam will kill me. I go inside and I'm welcomed by the waiters. "Good evening miss,"  they said and bow.

"Yeri Kim reservation," I said.

"Oh yes. Miss Manoban! someone has been waiting for you." He said and He assists me towards the table. I saw from afar Yeri's cousin. She's looking at her phone so I can't see her.

"Excuse me, Miss? The person you've been waiting Is already arrive." The waiter said. The girl stands up and looks at us.

"YOU?!" We both said in unison. The waiter excuse himself.

But her shock turns to a smirk. "So you're yeri's cousin?" I ask.

"You forgot? I told you that when we're still together. I never miss someone's name when You ask who is my relatives." She said with and smirk. "So you're the one who's according to Bambam Is still SINGLE for a long time and being workaholic?" She emphasizes the word single. I'm doomed!.

"U-uhhm..." I can't utter a word.

"Don't lie Manoban. So the girl yesterday is not your girlfriend? Huh?" She said and chuckle like crazy.

I turn my back. I don't want to be here anymore!

"Oh? You're running away again? You know Lisa your heart and mind will never be in peace until you talk to me. Don't run like a stupid. Seat here like a good girl and let's talk" she said And drag me to the seat. I don't have a choice but to obey cause she's so scary as ever.

We order our foods. It didn't take long and the food we ordered arrived quickly. We eat in silence. Completely silent.

After we eat the waiter came again to clean the table and offer us the bottle of cocktail. I pour my glass and hers...

There's a silence before she spoke. "I'm sorry..." She said and look at me. "Please let me explain this time." She begs.

I take a deep breath and look at her again. "Fine" I shortly said.

"The pictures. There are Misunderstandings... I didn't cheat on you! I swear Lisa I will never do that. Taehyung is been following me since we saw him in Spain. He never leaves me alone even I throw so many harsh words at him. Here, I even ask for a copy of the CCTV to the hotel In Jeju that you saw him hugging me. And to the Infront of the Ice cream parlor. He didn't kiss me he pin me in the car door and on your spot, It looks like we're kissing!" She said as she shows me the footage On her phone. "I have this since four years ago."

"How about in the park? How can you explain to me that?" I ask.

"That Night I already goes home but I didn't saw you there so I go out again and I'm supposed to go to Mansion because I'm wondering You might be there. But I felt hungry that time so I stop by. Then minutes later Kai arrives we chitchats and after that, he leaves. After I drink my drinks Taehyung arrives. I saw him as you Lisa so I thought It was you so I come with him but the moment he pulls me into a kiss there when I realize he's not you. There's a CCTV there too and I'm thankful for that. Here" she shows me again after taehyung kisses her Jennie push him and slaps him.  "Please, believe me, Lisa! I will find Taehyung to prove to you that we're nothing." She said as she places her hands on her face and sobs. "I miss you so much, Lisa"

"How could I believe you? You still lied to me!" I said. I didn't notice I was crying too. "You're such a liar woman! look Is this a shit play again? I mean you used this shits to make me believe you and then you're going to play to me again?" I laugh sarcastically. "You can't fool me Jennie the liar Kim," I said. But Instead of getting a response to her...she slaps me. So hard man!

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