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"Your eyes are so puffy last night and I want to know why...You suddenly came to Korea and brought a ton of clothes" Lisa asks as she eye Joy.

I saw a flick of sadness in Joy's eyes and she looks down. "I c-came out to my p-parents" she stammered.

"WHAT?! YOU MEAN YOUR HOMOPHOBIC PARENTS?!" Lisa and I let out in unison.

"Y-Yeah and they hate me...and disown me" Joy said and a tear fall on her cheeks. she places her both hand on her face.

"Oh...why would they do that? I can understand if they hate you because that will passes eventually but disowning you? that's freaking wrong! you're still their daughter no matter what" Lisa said.

I step on her foot under the table. "Jerk! they will accept Joy eventually too. there's no parent's in this world can live without their son or daughter" I said to Lisa and comforting Joy. "Don't worry Joy. we got your back" I said.

"What's the real reason why you came out? I know there are reasons behind this because you will never come out to them this sudden" Lisa said.

"They s-set me up to a guy. they want me to marry that guy and have a family with him. they organize the marriage without my acknowledgement. I tell them I don't want to but they didn't consider my Opinion. it's like forced marriage and I don't like that! I don't even love that guy and I just want to marry a specific person so I came out to them just last night and plan this and also to win my friends and girl back" Joy said and that shock the shit out of us!

What kind of parents is that? they're controlling Joy's life! it's not like Joy is just 5 years old! she's fucking 29 years old already and she can decide for herself!

"That's really depressing! I'm grateful you did the right thing because I don't know if I can forgive you If you marry someone else!" Lisa said.

"Yeah...Someone will really get hurt If you get married. I think she can kill herself if that's happened" I said and Joy reddened. I think she already knows it.

"You want wendy back right?" Lisa asks.


"Aigo! don't deny it cause I can see it in your eyes! wendy is someone you want to marry. don't you?" Lisa said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Uhmm...Y-yeah. but I'm n-not sure If she's still single so I'm in dilemma " Joy said.

"Oh god! she doesn't have! after you, she never enters a relationship again but she always hooks up!" Lisa said and I Immediately step her foot so hard.

how dare her to say that in front of Joy?! is she insane?! I look at Joy and saw her looking down on her lap. "Don't worry Joy. she changes already" I said.

there's this awkward long silence when Lisa spoke again. "I have a plan Joy!" Lisa said.

We both look at her. "what is it?" Joy asks.

"Manoban Corporation will hold a banquet in New year which is 2 days from now. all of our family friends and elites and other businessmen will be attending there to celebrate the New year! I think it's the right moment for you to talk to them! mainly to your..." Lisa said and I nodded in agreement.

"I think she's right. It's great If you already fix your problem with them before the night end so when the year-end and you already fix it, you will have a new year and a new start with our friends and wendy" I said.

"I'm s-scared" she said again.

"to our friends? oh god! don't worry they will comprehend you!" Lisa said but Joy shook her head.

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