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"AHHH! that was a good sleep!" I yawn as I sat up on our bed.

I look around and saw nothing but things. Where the hell are they? I stand up and stretch my body before going inside the bathroom.

After I wash my face I go out and pick my phone to see the time. "Holy moly! It's nearly 11 Am! What the heck?!" My eyes widen.

Did I sleep that long? Oh my god I didn't even have my breakfast! I think I'm going to have brunch today. "I'm so lazy" I mumble before putting down my phone.

I go to the closet to pick a clean towel before going to the bathroom again to take a shower. Once I'm done I go out to the bathroom and wear my khaki shorts and sports bra before wearing a shirt.

"Now where I'm going to start finding them?" I ask as If someone will answer me.

I get my sunglasses of course to look cool. I go out in the suit and lock it because If I did not a third will go inside. Did you get it? Whenever know if there is really a thief.

Going inside the elevator and press the ground floor. After minutes the elevator door sang open and I go out. I was greeted by the employees.

"Good morning Miss Lisa" she said and I greet her back.

I was about to walk away again but I remember I don't know where are they so I look at her again. "Hey! Did you perhaps seen my wife and friends?" I ask.

She stays quiet which indicating that she was thinking and I just let her. "Aha! I saw them there outside in the seashore. They are sunbathing while the kids are playing" she said.

"Oh! Thank you!" I said and smile at her and walk away.

I go outside of the hotel and Immediately wear my sunglasses. I walk to find them because Unfortunately the seashore here is so damn big so I really don't know where is the place she was saying.

I step on the shore and already saw the one line of a bunch of girls with two-piece and sunbathing too. Oh my God they are pretty of course but they are not my type lol.

I walk fast to them and do not even try to look at their body because they might be misinterpreted why I'm looking at them I was walking when someone spoke that cause me to look at her.

"Hey hottie" the girl that sunbathing said and looking at me seductively.

I nervously smile at her and was about to walk away again but this damn girl Just doesn't want to shut the fuck up. "Do you want to go inside?" She said as she stands up and held my arm.

"I don't want" I said and take off of her hand on me before Jennie saw it.

"Why? Don't you think it's a hit hot here" she said and bit her lower lip.

"Excuse me miss. It's not my fault if you choose to sunbathe here so If you feel hot here you can stop what your doing and go back to your suite" I politely said and smile at her before walking away leaving that flirty girl.

My eyes are wondering because I'm so eager to see my wife because I know for sure she was wearing her two-piece too. Actually I tried to hide her bunch of two-piece but she buys another set!

Aish! I just can't understand why girls need to wear two-piece on the beach when there is a rash guard to wear. Are they really getting to their lover's nerves?

You guys ate just pathetic partner

My inner self voice out. What the hell? Are we really pathetic like that? We just don't want other men to see the beautiful creature of our partner's body.

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