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"Can we talk?" She asks and I sigh and nodded

"Yeah... Let's go to the garden" I said and lead the way.

We sat at one of our bench here. Silence is eating us until she spoke.

"I'm sorry" she said.

"Huh? For what? I should be the one to say sorry for treating you like that earlier" I said.

"I gave you a problem. It's my fault" she said.  Yeah, Jisoo told me about the video that went viral and me having a conference tomorrow with my Dad to answer the media.

"It's not your fault. It my fault because I judge you without knowing the truth" I said. "Can you tell me the story? way back?" I ask. She nodded.

"I was 4 years old when your mom gave birth to you. your Dad had no mistress cause my mom is his first girlfriend. They are in a relationship for quite a long until my mom got pregnant. She gave birth to me and at the same time she died that time. Dad told me they expect that to happen because the doctor gives my mom an option. Whether I'm going to die or her. and she choose herself because my dad said she don't want to lose their first baby. My Dad didn't agree at first but he did eventually. Before my mom gave birth they spend their time and make memories and yeah...after she gave birth to me she died" I look at her and saw her crying. I came closer to her and side hug her.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault" she said as she wipes her tears. "Anyway back to my story... After she died Dad told me we go out of the city which is here in Seoul. He said we need to go here because his father already passing his position to Dad. Which is being CEO of the Manoban Corporation. After a year and I'm already 3 years old my Dad came home with a woman which is your mom he told me your mom is going to be my mom starting from that day. I'm super happy the moment I heard it because I've been longing for Mother's love and your mom didn't fail. She treats me as if I'm her biological daughter and she loves me. the moment my Dad introduced your mom I found out too that she's pregnant with you and I can't be happier because I will have a sibling and a Mom. Months passed and they give birth to you and I always played with you even you can't still walk and speak. I just love you so much. A year passed again and I'm already 5 years old and there are the tragedy happened" I didn't notice I was crying too. After hearing her story I feel ashamed. I regret all I did to her.

"What tragedy?" I ask.

"That time we go to one of the biggest Mall. That's the biggest mall in Seoul way back. We're complete that time and we're happily doing our shopping. You're already one year old at that time. So yeah we go to this one of the shops which are for kid's so due to excitement I part my ways to you at our parents without them knowing. I was wondering until a loud bell rang and people start to ran and I was still a kid that doesn't know what happened. Until an old woman yells and said there's a big fire inside the kid's kingdom. I got panic and don't know what to do so I just sat in the corner until a huge pole fell on my head and there I lost consciousness. I just woke up at the hospital and saw a couple. I'm confused as to who is them because I'm totally didn't know them and I don't remember anything until the doctor came and tell me I was sleeping for a month and the couple claims me as their daughter at first I didn't believe them but after showing me their kindness and sweetness side towards me I start to trust them and claim them as my parents. I live with them. A year passed and I'm already 18 years old. I was at my school when my head hurts.. it's really killing me and I lost my consciousness again. I woke up again In the hospital with what I recognized as my parents. There I start to gain my memories. I go back to our home and they explain everything to me and of course I got mad because they lied to me but I forgave them eventually and they help me to find my real family until they both die in a car accident. Even they're not my parents I do love them... So I stop finding my real family because I'm steal healing for their loss. A year past and I'm already 24 and I continue finding you guys. I go to Seoul by myself and I already have money that time and finish my college and all of my parents' money and property are named after me. I start my business while finding you. I built a coffee shop and have Branches. After 3 years of finding you guys I finally gave up. I don't why but I just thought maybe I'm not meant to be with you again. After a year I met this guy name jungkook and I didn't know he will be a key for me to find you...I'm happy now that I'm with you guys again. I couldn't be more happy. I love you all and wishing you feel the same to me as your sister" she said and a sob escape to her mouth.

"I'm sorry...I'm very sorry for my behaviour." I said and hug her and we both cry. "I love you too Unnie" the moment I said the 'Unnie' word she cried hard.

"Can we join?" We pull out of our hug and saw our parents looking at us lovingly.

I look at them "I'm sorry Dad. I'm very sorry  Mom and Dad" I said.

"It's Fine we really understand you... It's our fault because we never tell you...I thought you would be sad once you know you lost your sister" he said.

"I'm sure I will if you told me way back" I said and we laugh.

"Can you forgive your Dad and Mom sweetie?" Mom asks.

"I fully forgave you guys" I said and they come closer and hug me and IU.

"I love you all guys! I promise to protect my girls from now on" he said.

We stay like that for a moment. My dad and Mom join us on a bench. Looking a the shining star with my family is the best.

"I heard you got a boy IU huh?" My Dad tease.

"She got Dad and you will not gonna believe it" I said. IU unnie motion me to shut up but I stick my tongue teasing her.

"Who is it? Come on tell me! I need to know" he said.

"It's kookie" I said and Laugh.

"Oh really? You got a good man" my dad said.

"Huh? Why?" Unnie ask.

"He helps Lisa a lot" he said.

"Oh? I really missed a lot of events" She said.

"You wouldn't want to be present at that event because it's really stressing" I said and we laugh.

"Yeah but I hate that I'm not present at your wedding and you actually have 2 children. I'm jealous" she said.

"Who said I only have 2 children? I have 3. Lucas and Deahan are twins. Daehan is not here that's why you thought I only have 2" I said.

"Wow! I pity your wife" she teases and we laugh. "Where's my sister in law anyway?" She asks.

"She's in Ulsan. She has a medical mission for Three days but I'm sure she already knows what happened because of the news" I said.

"I'm pretty sure your wife is beautiful" she said.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because your son and daughter are beautiful and handsome. I'm afraid to say that they didn't get it to you" she said and laugh.

"Yah!! Your so mean!" I said and they just laugh at me.

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