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It's been three days since Christmas and since the night they set me up! And lastly it's been three days since I'm always in my room. I never go outside or talk to them.

I hate them for setting me without my permission. I hate it that they can easily give me and let me marry that guy as If I'm just a dog who will always obey them.

I'm really mad that night. I can't hold myself but to bad mouth my parents. I admit I'm wrong with that but hell! If you just Understand me you will do the same.

I'm tired of being like a dog in our family. They treat me like a dog, why? Because they always expect me to follow what they want. I'm tired of being with them. I'm tired of all this bullshit!


"Yeah! Your mom said you're single and my son too so we decided to let you guys just marry each other. Life is short so you guys should build a family and besides you both are already old enough" he states as If that's the greatest Idea they think about us.

"WHAT?!!!" I loudly exclaim.

I stand up from my seat and look intently at my mom and dad. "There's no way I will agree to this!" I said.

"Watch your mouth young lady!" Dad said and glaring at me.

"Or what? What will you do to me this time?  Huh?" I mock.

"We don't need you to agree because whether you like it or not you will marry their son! It's for your own good!" My mom said and I shake my head.

"For my own good?! Are you serious mom?... I don't even know this guy and then you want me to marry him?! I don't even love him so why would I?!" I angrily shout.

"It's for you happiness Joy! Can you please understand us?!" My dad said.

We're literally shouting to each other in Infront of Carter's but I don't care. I don't care about anyone because there's no marriage will happen!

"Only a specific person can make me happy and that's none of you!" I said and ran towards my room and slam it hard.

I heard my dad call me but I didn't go back. I'm so mad at them and I hate them! I really do! What kind of parents they are? I just wish I have open-minded parents!


Until that day I never go outside of my room. Maybe I did but only when they're already asleep. They're always knocking on my door saying those shits comments.

"Stop sulking there that will not change anything"

"You will marry him Joy. It's for your own good"

"It's been a day Joy! Please talk to us! You can't act like a child in this situation!"

"I told you to find a boyfriend but you never did! Now that I find for you and you don't want?! What are you?!"

That's what I'm always hearing from them. They said it's for my own good but the truth is it's for their own good! They just want to have grandchildren that's why they want me to get married!

Just thinking of marrying that guy makes me vomit. The guy seems to be an addict and pervert but my parents are too blind from his good features. They can't see what I see and they can't feel what I feel.

I always cry because I'm always thinking wendy. I want her...I love her and she's just the only one I want to be with for the rest of my life.

You don't know how much I want to make it right with her and with my friends. I want to go back to Korea and make it right but I'm scared about my parents. 

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