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I woke up and I was immediately hit by a hangover. I regretted that we drank the hardest cocktail they have there. I got up and took a quick shower and went down to the kitchen to take some pills to ease the headache.

When I was about to go back to my room Dad call me.

"Hey Lis! come here let's have a cup of tea" he motions the way towards the garden where Mom is.

"Hey, Mom Good Morning" I greet and kiss her on the cheek same as Dad.

"So how's the party you attended last night?" Mom asks.

"It's kinda great but I regret that we drank  cocktail it's kinda hard my hangover is kicking me"

"I told you not to drink so much alcohol but you didn't listen, that's what you get stubborn" Mom said in a serious tone.

"I'm sorry I won't do it again. by the way I met Jisoo last night. actually we're together with her friend and my friend"

"Oh?! That's great though! Hope you guys will get along" Dad said.

"Yeah she's somewhat funny I'm sure we'll get along soon" I said as I sip at my cup of tea.

"Great! Anyway...your grandma called earlier they said they miss you and if you have available time please visit them" he said while reading some newspaper.

"Okay Dad next Sunday I will visit them that's for sure"

"And Lis I like your car it's cool! nice pick!" he smiles "for sure Jennie gonna like your car too haha!" I was about to respond to him but my phone started to ring.

It's unknown? who will possibly call me early this morning? this person is insane
it's only 8:30 in the morning.

I swipe the answer button "Hello? who is this?"

"Lisa it's Jisoo!"

"Oh yes unnie where did you get my number?"

"Jennie gave me because I force her" she chuckled "anyway, are you free tonight?" she asks.

"Not so much why?"

"Then come with us! bring wendy with you! we'll go to the bar here in Seoul they said it will open tonight at 8:00 in the evening" Jisoo is literally a party and bar addict.

"What?! are you serious? we have class tomorrow?! don't you remember?" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Of course I do! but we're not going to drink that much a little only"

"Aish! you're a bad influence! fine! I'll go there at 8:30 with Wendy see you later chu!" I hang up and go back to my parents.

"Who is that?" Dad asks.

"Jisoo unnie. she wants us to go to dinner with our friends" I lied because if I tell them the truth my Mum will probably scold me. "I'll go to my room Mum, Dad" they nod and I go back to my room.

While resting my head on the headboard and staring outside someone barge into my room.

"WAZZUP!! WAZZUP!! MONKEY!!! GOOD MORNING!!!!" chipmunk shout like a 3-year-old kid.

"Yah! did your parents teach you how to knock?! you dumbass!" I give her a deathly glare "how did you get into our house? if I'm not mistaken the Butler didn't let people in easily" I mock.

"Yah! you're so mean! of course I am Park Chaeyoung I can do what I want and auntie let me in" she explained as she sat on the couch.

"So why are you here?"  I ask.

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