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It's our anniversary but I left her early in the morning I just left a note on the nightstand. I excuse myself. I know she'll be sad but I need to be here to set up everything so that my surprise to her this evening will be perfect and wonderful.

If you're thinking if I'm going to propose to her, well not yet. It's too soon if I do it now but I'm planning to propose to her if everything is perfect. I mean after we graduate I guess?

I'm currently at the restaurant just down the street where we check-in. I rent the whole restaurant just for tonight. It's expensive but yeah, Jennie deserves the best.

"Ms. Manoban, your girlfriend must be lucky to have you" The manager said while we're watching his staff arrange the table.

"Nah...I'm the luckiest" I said and he chuckled.

My phone rang and it says to the caller ID it's chu so I answer it immediately "Hey? what's up?"

"YAHH! YOU MONKEY! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE AT THE HOTEL?! DID YOU KNOW SHE CALLED ME CRYING? TELLING ME 'DID LISA FALL OUT LOVE OF WITH ME? AM I UGLY?, MAYBE I'M FAT' YEAH! SHE SAID THAT! I'll KILL YOU! REALLY!" chu said yelling from the top of her lungs to the point I need to keep the phone away from my ear.

Really?! I never thought Jennie would cry! Oh gosh! What Am I going to do? Should I expose my surprise?...argh! No! it's supposed to be a surprise.

"Calm down chu! I left because I'm preparing for my surprise to her but I guess I will never be surprised since she's crying I need to go back to the hotel"

"ARE YOU DUMB? SHE CRIED BECAUSE YOU LEFT FOR THAT THEN NOW YOU'RE GOING TO ABANDON THAT SURPRISE? HELL NO! SHE DESERVES TO BE SURPRISE!" she said. I don't know what to do with this chicken! Just earlier she wants me to head back then now wants me to stay?

"Right! Tell me what should I do? Stay or leave? Huh? You're messing my mind!" I said I heard chaeyoung snatch the phone to chicken.

"You! Go to Jennie before she passed out! and your surprise...Hope all!" She said and squeal. I think she's mocking chu! Hahaha. "Anyways you should go and just let the staff do their job and you go to Jennie and calm her down. She's been crying since she woke up and don't tell her about the surprise don't ruin what you started. Just make it up to her now" she said.

"Yeah, yeah thanks for your wonderful advice! Bye! Love u!"  I hang up and pay attention to the staff.

"Hey guys! I gotta go! Please do it perfectly! Bye!" I said as I hurriedly go to the car and drive my way to the hotel.

I park the car and instantly ran towards our room. I enter the living room but she's not there so I go around the room but no Jennie came out. I nearly turn the suite upside down still none!

"Where in the hell she is?" I mumbled. While walking back to back "Did she leave me here in Spain? What if she goes back to Sk already? Oh God! I'm doomed!" I said as I start to go out of the suite and start to find her in the building.

I go to the guard of this floor "Hey mister! Did you saw my girlfriend? The small one with milky skin somewhat brunette then has cat eyes and.....She's beautiful!" I describe proudly. The guard chuckled.

"Based on how you describe're really in love with that girl. Anyway, I saw her go to the garden downstairs and her eyes are swollen. I think she cried" I suddenly felt guilty...Oh my god! I hate myself for making her cry.

"Thank you!" I said and go into the elevator and I pressed the ground floor button.

I know since yesterday she's upset because who wouldn't? Your girlfriend asks you what's your plan then I replied 'I don't know'  Argh! but that's part of the plan!

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