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"Text me. If you already drop them okay?" Jennie said to me and I nod. She turns to my two boys. "Behave okay?"

"Yes Mom," the two said in unison.

"I'll drop Lia at Mom and Dad this morning before I go to the hospital," she said to me. Referring to my parents.

"Okay. See you later" I said and peck on her lips and go to my car. I think starting from now I'll be using my SUV car than my sports car.

We climb on my car and I buckle their seat belt. I saw Lucas face. "You've been waiting for this day to come right?" I tease him and I earn a glare at him.  I chuckle and drive toward their school. It's just 15 minutes away from our house and 10 minutes away from my company and 15 minutes away from the hospital. It's near as we want.

"Daddy let us come with you to your office! We won't tell mommy! Promise!" Lucas said. I chuckle. He really doesn't want to attend school.

"You can't trick me, Lucas. Your mother will kill me" I said and shake my head in amusement.

"I'll protect you from mommy like how I protect her from you!" He happily said. I laugh hard.

"Gave up Lucas. We need to go to school" Daehan said and cross her arms.

"Your brother is right. Don't make a deal to me because I know from the fact that you'll be always Mommy's boy" I said and giggled.

Didn't take long we arrive at the school. I help them to go out and fix their uniform. "Okay, I'm not allowed to go inside. The guards will guide you to your room. You two are classmates so I expect you will help each other okay?"

"Yes Dada" Daehan said.


"Fine!" He said. I just chuckled.

"Go I'll watch you from afar." I said. Daehan grabs Lucas hand and they start to walk hand in hand. It's really heart-melting to see them get long. I love the view, to be honest.

They're halfway when Lucas look at me and ran towards me crying. "Dada!!!" He shouts and cries. I got worried so I ran toward him halfway.

"What's wrong?" I worriedly ask.

"I don't want to go to school! I want to be with lia! I miss my baby sister!" He excuses. I nearly laugh because of his excuse.

"Lucas I already told you. You're already five and you need to go to school. Do you want to be unemployed when you grow up?" I ask and he shook his head still crying. "Then you need to go to school to reach your dreams and to learn many things," I said.

"We have company and I can work there without going to school! I can help you right now!" He said. I chuckled at his silliness.

"No, you need to go to school. Come here I'll take you two to your classroom. I'll talk to the guard to let me" I said and hold his hand and Daehan.

I look at my watch and saw It's already 7:43 Am. They're already late! Jennie will kill me once she finds this out.

We hurriedly walk to their classroom. I saw their teacher already Introducing herself. I knock at the door and she diverts her attention to us.

"Good morning Miss what can I do for you?" She asks.

"Good morning. I'm Lisa Manoban and this is my sons. I'm sorry they're late. We have a little talk. You know what I mean" I said and she smiles.

"Don't worry Ms. Mano-" I cut her off.

"Mrs. Manoban" I said and smile.

"Oh yes Mrs. Manoban. Don't worry we experience it all the time especially now that first day of school" she said.

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