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Jennie just ran outside by I don't know why. I sigh because I didn't tell her. And I don't have time to tell her again, I'm sure they're making their action to make the two split up.

"I'm sorry Jen, Lisa. I didn't want to break the two of you but I don't want my mother to die too...I tried but I failed. I hope you two will forgave us in the future." I said and tear up. I don't want to hurt both of them, I know they're really in love with each other to the point no one can break them apart
But I think, not this time. I thought.

Was about to enter my car but someone hit my head cause me to pass out and I don't know what happened next.

Once I open my Eyes all can see is the black room. I look around and I saw my twin brother. taehyung.

Yeah, I have a twin brother. No one knows I'm related to him because he used to hate me. After all, I'm gay. But he eventually accepts me and loves and supports me from who I am.

I walk towards him and bend down. She has bruised on his lip. I hug him and Silently cried. I love my brother. My playmate, and best friend.

We're sweet back when we're a child. We always protect each other from our demonic brother. He's really a great example of an asshole!.

He's crazy. He wants our mother dead. Well, she's his stepmom after all but that doesn't mean he can do all of what he wants towards mom.

all my mom did is love him like her own. But this asshole makes my mother slave. My mother suffers a lot to make him like her, but Nah. When our father died, his craziness even got worsen.

"Hyung" taehyung called me. I look at him, I didn't even realize I was crying, what a cry gay.

"I'm sorry, I can't protect you and Mom, I'm used less brother," I said and look down.

"Not your fault. Don't worry we will get through this" he said and tapped my shoulder. "Did you tell Jennie?"

"No, I don't have time to tell her because she just ran outside. I don't know the reasons thought." I said.

He was about to reply when the door open and it revealed our devil brother. Clapping like a demon.

"Woah! What's drama is this huh? Should I tell them to go here and bought popcorn?" He said sarcastically.

"Fuck you Hanbin!" Taehyung curse. I caressed his shoulder to calm him down.

"Oh? Hanbin now? I thought I'm your loving brother?" He smirks.

"I don't have a devil brother," taehyung said.

"Yeah, you just have a gay brother eh?" He said and laugh devilish. "Anyway, I heard you two attempt to tell Jennie our plan huh? I hate it when someone betrays me behind my back." He said as he walks towards us. "So as a punishment. I bought your mother here" he said and his men push forcefully our Mother."

"Mom!" We both said in unison, we quickly go to her side and hug her.

"YOU'RE REALLY A DEVIL!!! I HATE FROM THE FACT THAT WE'RE RELATED! I'm DISGUST!" I said, and it makes him go towards me and slap me hard.

"You loser gay! Don't you dare yell at me huh?! Understand me?!" He said, I got scared so I just nod.

I hate it, we're too weak and scared to fight back. I hate it when we're helpless from this evil.

"because of what the two of you did... you two have three days to make your work done! If you two didn't do what I want you guys to do.....then say goodbye to your loser mother!" He said and forcefully drag my mother again.

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