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I told them about Hanbin. About what I found out. They're all furious after I said that Hnabin is the one who stabs me back then.

I told them too about Lucas. I'm very sure hanbin is behind all of this. Seulgi mention too that Daehan was just released from the hospital last week and It's made my blood boil once she said Hanbin is with him that time.

After I told them about my plan and they all agreed about it. Well, we don't have much time. My son needs me and I'll not let that fucking Hanbin hurt my son.

"But we don't know where they're hiding Lucas. How can we be able to move If we don't have any Idea?" Rm ask. Then I remember Kai and taehyung.

"I know someone who can help us," I said.

"Who?" Sehun asks.

"Kai and taehyung," I said. I look at wendy's spot. "Wendy? If I'm not mistaken you have a number of Kai. Right?" I ask.

"Yes, but I don't know if this is still his number." She said as she passes her phone to me. I copied the number and dialed it.

It rings so It means he's still using this phone number.

"Hello? Who's this?" He picks up.

"This is Lisa," I said in my authority voice.

"Oh, Lisa? How can I help you?"

"I need you. I know you know where's Hanbin's hideout." I said.

"Yes, we know. We will bring you there once we landed tomorrow In Korea. Don't worry Lisa. We promise to help you and we will" he said.

"Call me and I will talk to my driver to fetch you and drive you here at the base to plan everything," I said and hang up.

"Everything will settle tomorrow. Sehun ready the men's and we will slit that Hanbin's neck" I said.

"How about us lis? We want to help!" Seulgi, Wendy, and Jisoo said in unison.

"It's dangerous," I said.

"Lucas Is our family too so let us be!" Wendy said. I sigh.

"Do you guys know how to handle a gun?" I ask.

"Yes," they said in unison. I just noded.

"We're going sehun. Thank you for helping guys" I said. They just smile and we leave the base. It's already 3 Am.

The next day...


Fuck that Manoban! Did she think I didn't hear her arrival in Seoul?! She is so stupid. I have my ways.

She will ruin my plan again! And that's not going to happen! I will not let her interfere with my plans.  I want my Jennie so fucking bad!.

"Boss. Sunmi is here, should I let her In?" Lucas ask.

This sunmi girl is getting on my nerves. I promise her that once our plan to kill Lucas and Daehan works I will give her Lisa to her and mine is Jennie. But that's a lie. I will never do that! Did she really think I will let that Manoban alive? Hell no! There's no way!.

"Let her In," I said.

Sunmi enter my office. This girl is beautiful but just dumb. Her beauty is no sense if she doesn't have a brain.

"why don't you just Kill Jennie?! I heard they're back together!" She burst out. See? That's why I hate her! She even has the guts to tell me to kill Jennie.

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