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"Where are we going mom?" Lucas asks as I brush his hair.

"We're going to meet Auntie wendy's wife" I said and chuckled.

Why not right? Joy is going to be soon wife of Wendy so why not acknowledge it early? I'm excited when the day comes and Joy will set the day that she will going to meet wendy.

I wonder what will be Wendy's reaction! I will surely take a record of it for remembrance! Lol. Wendy will surely go crazy once she see Joy.

Joy changed a lot. She becomes beautiful than before. She is so thin than before too but I think she so busy with her work that's why. Aishah I miss her.

Once I saw her yesterday I never felt the urge to hate her because I really do miss her.  I miss everything about my friend. If you just remember Joy is our solid friend since then.

I hope our other friends will forget what happened in the past because even wendy already let go of the past a long time ago so they need to learn how to forgive and listen to Joy because she deserves it.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Lisa asks as she peeks into our children's room.

"Yes! We're coming" I said as I held Lucas's hand and daehan. Lia is already with Lisa because she's the one who bathed her.

"Ready to meet Auntie wen's wife?" Lisa asks and I couldn't help but laugh. "Why are you laughing" she asks.

"Because it's funny we have the same mindset. I told them too that Joy is wendy's wife" I whisper to her.

"That's cool. I wonder what would Joy's reaction once this kid tells her about her being the wife of wendy" Lisa said and we laugh.

Lisa put the kids in their seats and buckle their seatbelts and go to her seat and drive away. The restaurant is not that far so we will go to arrive there in a short time.

Lisa suggests to Joy if she wants to have a brunch in Rosé's restaurant branch here in Seoul because Lisa's favourite dish is there but Joy refuse. She said she doesn't want anyone to see her this sooner.

She said she's ready to face them but not this sooner. She needs to compose herself first before facing them and apologize for what mistakes she did before.

Anyway the New year is just 2 days before and I'm so excited to celebrate it because Manoban Corporation set an event in the new year so our parent's friends and other elite people are present there.

Well, I know you're wondering too why Daehan and Lucas and Lisa are not going to work or school... Well, it's because it's still their break until the new year. Lucas is so energetic the day she finds out about their break.

"We're here!" Lisa said and unbuckle her seatbelt and go to my side and open the door for me.

She does the same to our babies and helps them to go out. I carry Lia and She held the boy's hand so that these two will not cause chaos or ran away. They are like that Lol.

We make out way to the entrance and we said Lisa's reservation and they accompany us to this VIP room here in the restaurant. Well, this is fancy and we need VIP for Joy.

We go inside the VIP and we sat down. I let Lia sat in a booster. "Is Joy already on the way? I thought she will be the first to be here" Lisa said.

"She is on the way. I just got a message from her" I said.

"Wow! You have her number?"

"Of course she is my friend too and I need her contact" I said and roll my eyes.

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