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"Okay guys. Looks like my lawyer left me here alone" I said using my mike. All of them laugh at my statement. "Again Thank you for coming here! Let's continue our party!" I said and they applaud.

The DJ plays the music. Yes, there's a DJ of course. After I said that I walk down the stage and people go back to with their chitchatting. I walk to our table just to see my friends who are looking at me.

I sat beside Jennie but these dorks just can't stop staring at me. "What?" I ask because I felt uncomfortable with them staring intently at me.

"Don't you think you have so long explanation to us? Especially to wendy?" Chaeng said raising her brow.

"Yeah. How can you hide something from us? I hate you!" Seulgi said crossing her arms acting like she's really hurt.

I pick the tissue and cramp it before throwing it to Seulgi's face. "You're acting as If you're wendy" I said and roll my eyes.

"We're serious Lisa. Why didn't you tell me about this? I mean for how long?" Jisoo seriously said and I sigh.

"I met Joy since I go to the US back then" I said and their eyes nearly went out.

"What the fuck Lisayah?!" Chaeyoung exclaim.

"What? I just answer what Jisoo asks me" I said.

"It's not that jerk! Why you just tell us this when you met joy 7 years ago" Irene said rolling her eyes.

"I'm sorry okay. Believe me I want to tell you guys but we all know that I cut all my connection to all of you that time" I said.

"Then 3 years ago? When you already came back? How can you explain?" Seulgi asks.

Oh God! They have so many questions but I can't complain because If I'm in their shoe I will bombard myself with so many questions too. Well, I don't have a choice but explain.

Joy leave me here! She's supposed to be here with me! "Joy doesn't want to. She was scared of all of you. She is scared that you guys will push her away or hate her for what she did in the past but believe me, guys. Joy didn't do anything she just got fell into the trap" I said.

"What do you mean?" Jisoo asks.

"Ahh! Joy was supposed to be the one to tell you this guy but that freakin girl leave me here!" I said.

"Just tell us!" Irene said and hell! She is so scary.

I look at Jennie for help but she never helps me! This wife of mine! "Wait! Don't tell me Jennie knows this too?" Chaeyoung said.

"Yes, I just found it out just recently. When Joy flight back here just this week" Jennie said.

"Argh! You guys are so...Aishh!" Irene groan.

"So just spill the tea limario" Jisoo said.

"Okay as what I'm saying is...Kang Daniel is a friend of Hanbin. So yeah Daniel breaks them apart by letting Joy know that he's still into her but in fact, it meant nothing Joy just confuse that time and fell for that jerk trap. Joy just found out that they plan it" I said.

"That jerks! I just thank God for letting Daniel die! Or maybe I'll thank satan" Seulgi said.

"Seulgi!" Chaeyoung said.

"What?" Seulgi said.

"Even someone does something cruel you're not just supposed to thank all the saints for letting them die because it's not enough! We should go to the church tomorrow to personally thank God" chaeng said which cause us to laugh.

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