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"COME HERE YOU IDIOTS!" I shout to attain the attention of the Three Idiots and ten.

It's our 5th day here in Hawaii and here we are already enjoying this whole day because tomorrow afternoon we will fly back to Korea.

Actually we can stay here for two weeks but of course we still have our own responsibility to our own company especially Seulgi.

Seulgi has an urgent meeting on Sunday morning and it's very important according to her secretary who just called earlier so we all decided to head back tomorrow morning which is Saturday.

Ten is with us too this whole day. The power puff girls drag him out of the restaurant kitchen and tell the two other chefs to manage everything cause Ten will spend time with us.

Anyway since this is our whole last day I plan something too for Jennie. Of course she doesn't know about it because it's a surprise. After all, we all know that I love to surprise my wife.

As I said to her I will make it up to her and yeah I plan to take her out this night and we will wander here in Hawaii I researched someplace that will be exact to go for us and I luckily found few places.

I book for us to a fancy hotel too and I ask for someone to buy the new dress that she will wear for tonight because I want her to be a princess or even my queen for tonight. My wife deserves it all.

"What?" Seulgi ask.

"Let's play!" I excitedly exclaim.

"What game?" Wendy said.

"Let's race jet ski but we need to have a bet!" I said.

"Game!!" Jisoo excitedly said.

"Okay let's have a bet now! So If I win...I will be your boos for the rest of the day! Y'all going to obey me" I said with a smirk on my face.

The three look at me before circling. Probably talking about what will they do to me if one of them if they will win against me! I'm not Manoban for nothing.

"Okay! If one of us wins you will going to be our slave too!" Wendy said with a smirk too.

"Wait guys! Are you sure you want to play this against Lisa? You still have time to back out" Ten said looking excited about our game.

"Are you looking low to us Ten?!" Seulgi said.

"I'm no! I'm just saying that Lisa here is really good at riding a Jets ski! The last time we play with bambam we lost!" Ten said.

"Well! This is different Lisa will be our slave for sure" Jisoo said...feeling proud.

"Okay If you say so" Ten said and laugh.

"Ten you're going to set a timer so that we will know who is arrive here first" I said and Ten nods and fish her phone.

"Climb to your own Jets ski! We will start there!" I shout and pointing the yacht that staying in the middle.

We all climb to our Jets ski and start it. "Let's go there first" I said and we start our jet ski and go to besides the yachts.

I need to win against them because If I don't my plan with Jennie will fail! Oh my God please let me win here!. "Ten!!! Count 1-3!!" I shout from the top of my lungs so Ten will heard me.

Ten thumbs up to me and nod..."No bumping or cheating okay!" I said.

"Okay!" They all said.

"1....2....3!!! Go!" Ten shouts and we all heard it.

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