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It's been two months since the incident happens in the bar and when the four go to university that morning the four got scold by their cold-hearted bitch friend, Jennie.

That night, Jennie got a call from Kai. Kai told her that her sister and her friends were both drunk. Kai was there too with his friend.

Are you asking how did Kai get her number? Well, it's because of her stupid sister, Jisoo.

When she found out that Jisoo gave her number to Kai, she got mad at her sister. Jisoo keeps giving her number to strangers without her permission.

According to Jennie and Lisa, they got along well within that two months. Lisa's plan to give Jennie a lift every day got successful because even Jennie enjoying Lisa's accompany.

Lisa finally admits to herself that she has feelings towards Jennie. Lisa never tells Jennie about it but as they said, action speaks louder so she just let herself act like a protective one.

Jennie thinks that Lisa is just doing it because she is a sweet and caring friend to her. 

Although she is eager to be with Jennie, she's taking it slow because she knows Jennie is not yet ready. However, Jennie is still hesitant because of her past.

Little did Lisa know, Jennie slowly accepting to herself too that she like Lisa, no doubt. She always feels excited and every moment she spends time with her, her heart flutters.

However, she doesn't want to let Lisa or anyone else know about her feelings for her. She is afraid that If she let herself fall with Lisa, the history will repeat itself.

She doesn't want to feel like a toy. After using it they just going to throw it away. She didn't want her heart to be shattered into pieces again. She's tired of being treated like that. That's why she doesn't want to admit to herself that she already loves Lisa. 

Sometimes, she wonders why the love she feels towards Lisa is different from the love she invested to Hanbin.

She doesn't want to jump to conclusions that's why she won't have the guts to confront Lisa. She's scared that she's just assuming things.

They always hanging out, watching movies, studying, eating dinner, lunch, and even breakfast together. They always do things together but sadly they are not really together. Sometimes, Lisa thinks she's just experiencing one-sided love.

There's was a time when Jennie can't go to the university because she's doesn't feel well. When Jennie found out, she rushed to the Kim estate.

The more Lisa cares for her, the more she hopes.

Their parents are aware of the tension between the two. They also know that they have feelings for each other. Mr. and Mrs. Kim is being impatient with their daughter because their stubborn child doesn't want to accept the fact that she's already in love with Lisa.

They're thankful because Lisa is being patient with their daughter. The Manobans and the Kims are happy because they know if their daughters will end up together, the chemistry of the two is indeed perfect.

While the two are still waiting for the right time to admit their feelings to each other, their friends have already had the love of their life.

Wendy and Joy end up together same as Jisoo and Rosé.

In two months, Jisoo is changing little by little. Jisoo is no longer going to parties and if she goes, she's with her friends and her girlfriend, Rosé. She is very strict with her. Yet her parents are thankful for Rosé for changing their eldest daughter's addiction to alcohol.

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