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"Lisa! Please!! Buy me some Ice cream!" I've been bothering this monkey since we woke up this morning, but she doesn't want to buy me one.

"I told you, Jennie!  It's still early for the Icecream You might get a stomachache!" She said still close her eyes. We're still at the bed we don't have class this Friday, so we decide to sleep all day but I suddenly want something sweet.

"Hmph! But I want to!" I whined and jump at the top of her.

"Jennie! I'm still sleepy! Stop whining your not a pregnant lady you can wait for later.

"Whatever," I said as I climb out of the bed and go to the closet to get some Hoodie.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"Obviously, at the Ice cream parlor," I said and didn't wait for her answer. I climb at our car and drive to the nearest Ice cream parlor.

I park my car at the side of the store and climb out. I order the Ice cream I'm craving and was about to climb into my car but someone called me.

"Jennie!" I look back and saw taehyung running towards me.

"What do you want?!" I ask annoyed.

"Ah, nothing just want to talk to you," he said.

"No, after what you did yesterday! I don't want to see and talk to you again!" I said but he pins me on the door of my car.

We look like kissing here. I tried to push him but his grip is so tight. "I said I want to talk to you! I need to tell you something!" He whispered yell.

I kick his balls causing him to fall on his knees. I quickly climb into my car and drive towards our house. Once I park my car I notice that Lisa's car is in different parking unlike before. Did she go out?

I didn't mind it anymore and just go inside. I saw Lisa in the kitchen drinking water. She looks like she just woke up. Maybe I'm hallucinating.

"Hey," I said as I gave her the morning kiss.

"Hey, you didn't wait for me eh? You go by yourself?" She said and look at me intently.

"Yeah, your so lazy and I'm really craving for Ice cream so I bought it by myself," I said as I pick a spoon And take a spoonful scoop of Ice cream. "Ahmmmh" I moan because men! It's really delicious.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, why?" I ask and frown.

"Nothing." She said and sit on the aisle of the kitchen.

"Do you have any plans today?" I ask.

"Hmmm...I ask sehun and Jimin to hang out with me" She said. "Can I?"

"Of course! I wouldn't stop you from seeing your friends" I said she stands up.

"Thank you," she said and go upstairs to change.

I'm washing the spoon I used when my phone rang. I dried my hands and answer the call.


"Hey, Jen! It's kai!"

"Oh! Hey Kai? Why did you call?" I ask?

"Just want to ask you if you can accompany me to go shopping," he asks...well I don't have things do to so why not?.

"sure! I miss doing shopping too!" I said.

"Let's meet up there, I'm just going to take a shower." He said.

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