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Miyeon brought us to I don't know where the hell we are.

"Miyeon where are we? I thought you're going to bring Us to Joon-hwan's house?" Seulgi ask.

"Yes and I'm doing it right now." She said and we arrive at this color orange house.  "Come In," she said. We look at her and frown. "Just go inside," she said seriously. She's been blank expression since earlier.

"Do you think she's going to murder Us?" Wendy whispers to us.

"No, Idiot!" I said and I pinch her.

"Oppa!!!" Miyeon shout. Minutes later a guy came out and look at Us intently.

"Who are them?" He asks Miyeon.

"They're my schoolmate In high school and they're finding our father." She said. We all look in their direction. Shocked.

"What?! Joon-Hwa Is your father??!!!" Wendy and I said In unison while these two dumb still can't move on from the shock.

"Yeah. He's Joon-Hwan Cho and this is my brother. Jungkook Cho." She said.

"H-how come?... I mean we spend five years to find your father" Jisoo said.

"Y'all are too late. He's D-death five years ago" Jungkook said.

"What?! This can't be happening!" I yell In frustration. They both look at me.

"What did you even need my father?" He asks.

"We need him...he's the only one who can answer our questions," Wendy said. "He's the one who saw who Is the person that attempts to kill our friend."

"He died. He was shot but he survived to that incident but there's this person really wants him to die. They sneak to my father's room and did something that causes him to die." Jungkook said.

"Why they're after him? And want him dead? Do you know something?" Seulgi ask.

"We don't too. We're still longing for Justice. We can't find the person who killed my father." Miyeon said she stops for a moment and continue. "But he left a hand letter before he died. I'm sure that letter can answer all our problems but we're not allowed to open It." She said and look at me. "Lisa. Lisa Is the one who can only open It. I tried to find her but I didn't succeed." She said.

"Why don't we just read the letter? I'm very sure that the person who attempts to kill Lisa Is the person who killed your father." I said.

"My father wants. That Lisa to be the one to read it." Jungkook seriously said.

"But I'm her wife!" I lied. Oh, come on!

"Still," Miyeon said.

"Look, guys... If you want Justice for your father we need to open It. We're here on behalf of Lisa. I promise you we will not stop Until we give the justification for your father's death." I said. Somewhat begging.

They look at each other and sigh in defeat. "Do you promise to help Us?" He asks. And we all nod.

He goes to the corner of their living room and comes back with a letter in her hand. It's brownish paper... "Here...Read It here now."

I slowly open and read.

To: Lalisa Manoban

If you have received this letter,  I'm already dead. I knew my life would not last because they're all after me. They found out I was there and saw the incident. I saw the man's face but I don't know him I'm so upset myself that I can't tell directly if who is he. but I can describe the Signs I saw on him ... He has a tattoo on his right neck. It's 'B.I'. I heard to one of his men they called him B.I. I'm sorry If this is all I can help.

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