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2 weeks Passed but they still can't find the culprit. they saw the footage of the CCTV outside of the corner of the cubicle and they learn that someone saw what happen that night.

The Janitor. In the footage the janitor was about to clean the room where the incident happened but he stops in front of the door. The guy who stabs Lisa didn't notice the janitor's presence and the Janitor didn't waste time and ran away from the cubicle.

Since the day they saw the footage the police didn't stop searching for the Janitor and the waiter but it's been a week and didn't find any one of them.

They're still clueless about where the two are.

They tried to ask the co-workers of the two but according to them since that event the two suddenly disappear from their work.

As for ten...he got out of the prison. They investigated him for one week in jail and proven he had nothing to do with the crime.


After 2 days of being in the hospital room Lisa finally decided to visit ten to his room.

Once Lisa enters the room he saw ten sitting at the hospital bed  and crying.

"Hey" Lis a greet. Ten looks at her and smiled sadly.

"How are you?" Ten asked wiping his tears. "I'm sorry you saw me like this" He apologizes.

"I'm fine but still need some rest to gain strength" lisa said and sat beside him "Why are you crying?" She asks. Lisa doesn't want to saw her friend crying, especially Ten.

Ten was an only child and had no family, his parents died in a car accident. they are both dead on the spot. Since the day he lost his parents ten never smiled again. he always cries when he's alone until he met BamBam and Lisa.

Ten said he was very happy to meet both of them and especially their families because he was considered as the son of Lisa's parents and bambam's parents since they found out about the tragedy that happened to him.

Bambam's parents support ten for his living and same as lisa. Lisa actually considered him as a brother.

"I just wish Mom and Dad are here. I feel lost" he said and sob again. Lisa came closer to him and hug him.

"Shhh...I'm here, we're here. You're not alone ten" Lisa said getting teary too because she really pities her friend.

There's an awkward silence until Ten spoke "I'm not the one who stabs you lisa. Please believe me. I consider you as my sister and I wouldn't do that to my sister especially you and bambam is all I have, Lisa. Trust me" ten said and sobbed hard. 

"that time. I was about to head to Man's comfort room which is in front of a woman's. I was about to enter but someone smacks me really hard then stabbed me behind. I just remember he pulled me beside you and that's all I last saw before everything turn to black. I swear Lisayah I'm not wearing a suit like that when I arrive at the venue" Ten said and pulled his phone. "Look...I'm wearing a blue suit not black."

Lisa feels Ten is sincere while he's explaining. She didn't accuse his friend since the first day she woke up and know that ten is with her at that time. Never in her life she will accuse him because she knows ten. he will not do such a thing that can harm her.

"I know ten. I would never accuse you. we just need to obey the law until we prove to them that you had nothing to do with this and after the investigation, I promise you I will help you to get out there and you can live freely again" she said and Ten smiled.

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