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Lucas has been trying his best to reach the cookie jar in their kitchen but he can't reach it. Their Mom places it super high that their Mommy or dada can only reach it.

Lia has been sulky because his hyung is super slow. She's so hungry already and can't wait to eat her favorite biscuits. Her stomach growl.

"Hyung I'm hungry!" Lia sulkily said. Lucas looks down just to see her sulking sister crossing her arms.

"Patience Lia! I'm trying my best to reach it...can't you eat other food in the refrigerator?" Lucas asks and Lia immediately shook her head. She just wants her biscuits.

"Aishh! Wait here I'm going to ask for hyung's help" Lucas said and go down on the chair that helping him to reach it but still can't help him enough.

Their mother is still sleeping and they don't want to bother their mother because they know their mommy is not feeling well and so sleepy.

It's already four noon and Lisa is still not going home.. looks like she's been thinking about what to do if ever Jennie won't accept the offer which is she's sure Jennie would not.

Lisa is laying on the bed looking at the ceiling like a dumb. "What should I do? Manoban always solves their problem" she said at herself and stand up.

She walks back and forth holding her chin as she thinks... It's like her brain is not functioning right now because she really can't think of any solution to this shits problem.

"You look like a foolish monkey looking for a banana" IU said as she walks in and sat at the bed.

"Ha ha ha funny" Lisa said. Mocking her.

"I know I'm funny" IU said.

"Why my brain is not functioning today? I can't really think anything" Lisa said.

"You were still wondering? When did you get a brain? It's not functioning every day anyways" IU said and Lisa rolls her eyes.

"Whatever! Go out I will go home tomorrow morning so don't bother me here cause I'm thinking carefully" Lisa said and drag her sister out and close the door.

"Yah! This is my house!" IU yell at the back and the door but Lisa didn't mind her anymore.

Meanwhile...The twins still trying their best to reach the Jar of cookies but as same as Lucas. Daehan can't reach it because it's too far and their little arms can't reach it.

They finally give up and go down on the chair. Lia still frowning waiting for her food. She saw her brothers go down of the chair she frowns even more.

"Where're my biscuits?" She asks.

"I'm sorry little sis. We can't reach it so for now eat whatever you want in the fridge" Daehan said.

Lia didn't like what her hyung just said. She pouts and started crying. "But I want it! I don't want anything else but biscuits! I'm hungry!" She said and cry even more.

"Shhh... don't cry, Lia. I will wake mommy to get it okay? Don't cry please" Daehan said and ran upstairs. She knocks at her mom's room but no one is opening it.

Jennie woke up because she heard the knock at the door. She wants to shout to stop it because she doesn't want any loud noise because her head getting hurt even more. But she can't speak and she can't stand up too.

She's shivering because for her It's so cold. She tried to speak louder but the person behind the door can't hear her. She regrets locking the door.

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