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I Arrive here at the company early in the morning and immediately welcome by somi. Telling me that there's a sudden meeting because the shareholders requested it.

Here I am listening to what they want to request about the company. They're proposing to me something but hell I'm sleepy because It's so boring to be here.

"So Miss Manoban As what are we saying Is If we accept the request Of the Kims like what your father did before our company can be bigger than now." My one shareholder Said.  I just look at them with my sleepy eyes like I don't take this seriously hahaha.

"The Project that Kim's request to Us is Island. We are going to buy this beautiful Island In Hawaii and make it a resort so tourists from other countries will go there because of the emerald sea and relaxing view. Hawai is known as a beautiful sea and island. So what we're saying Is let's accept this because our stocks can be much higher than now" My other shareholder said.

I look at them seriously. "My company can be bigger by my own. I don't need any support from other companies. I can make it by myself and Don't underestimate me I have reason's why I don't want partnerships from the Kang's, Son's, and Kim's companies and you don't need to know that. If you guys want y'all can pull out your shares and go to Kim's Corporation It's no big deal for me. To those who want to stay here Then stay and to those who don't want then go pull out your shares." I said and stand up. "Meeting Dismissed," I said and go to my office. Somi Is following me.

"Somi please give me the papers that needed to be signed," I said. She quickly gives it to me. She knows when I'm not In the mood.

I finish signing those bunch of papers. And place them to the side of the table. I call somi for her to manage it.

I turn my swivel chair to the big window. Yes, It's a glass wall. I just look outside "I'm I being harsh?" I ask myself. Maybe I am. I left Korea just because I can't face the reality. That's the fact. Because I'm scared to see her with someone else.

I left my friends Just because of that and  I didn't notice I'm being selfish again.

"Miss Manoban? Did you want something?" Somi asks. 

I look at my watch and It's 10:45 In the morning. "Ah yes! Can you accompany me to the café?" I ask. She nodded so we go outside of my office and proceed to the elevator.

We climb into my car. I know It's just near but I don't want to walk. I'm too lazy.

I stop my car at the side of the café. We climb out and enter the café. "I'm going to order Oppa. You can go to your favorite spot." She said and smile. She's calling me Oppa whenever we're outside of the company.

I roam my eyes and saw two people seating at my favorite table! What the hell? There's no way I will seat at another table here besides there. I can't see these two-person because they're facing their back. But their laughter Is so loud I can hear it here. What a flirt couple.

I started to walk towards them. Maybe I can ask them to move to the other table.

I'm still at their back. They didn't even notice that I'm standing here. They're really flirt argh!.

I started to spoke. "Excuse me? Can you please mo-" I didn't finish my sentence the moment they both look in my direction. Fuck??!! What is she doing here?? And with another guy? Not taehyung anymore? What a flirt woman. I suddenly felt a pang in my chest and anger.

We both look so shocked and we can't even utter a word until this guy spoke. "Excuse me? What's your problem?" But we didn't mind him we just look at each other. Jennie's eyes are starting to tear up as same as mine. I'm the one who looks away.



Lisa look away the moment she realizes they're looking at each other intently.

She's here! Fuck! I can't believe I will find her here without doing anything! I can't believe my love is standing in front of me. She's still gorgeous. Jennie's thought.

Jennie didn't waste time and ran towards Lisa and hug her tightly. "Lisayah!" She shouts. And It earns attention from others.

"Lisa! Where have you been! I tr-" Jennie didn't finish her sentence when someone barges at the drama.

"Hey! Op-" Somi got cut off by Lisa.

"Hey, love! I think we should go to the other café" Lisa said as she steps back from Jennie's embrace and places her arms on Somi's shoulder. Somi looks at her confused until she looks at the girl in front of her. Jennie. She knows what Jennie looks like.

Somi was about to deny it but lisa looks at her and whispers to her "Get along or I will fire you?" Lisa said. Somi can't do anything but play along.

"Oh? You didn't want to be here love?" Somi said and kiss Lisa's cheek. She cringes.

While they're being lovey-dovey the girl in front of them Is crying her heart out. She can't move. She wants to run away because this room Is so suffocating. She wastes her time for nothing. She's sad because the girl she loves and the father of her sons is now with someone else and she can't do anything.

Do you think you are the only one who can have a love life? Well me too! Lisa thought.

Lisa and Somi turn their back and were about to walk away when Jennie spoke. "I tried to find you in four fucking years to make it up to you! I regret everything!. Your so selfish Lisa! You didn't listen to me and you just ran away as weak people do!" Jennie said. She can't bear what she's seeing so she ran out of the café. Kang follows her.

Lisa Just stands there with a shocked expression. Jennie tried to find me?. She thought.

She admits. She felt so jealous the moment she saw Jennie with someone else. She didn't know why she felt that. Maybe what they said is true. She's still not moved on.

She didn't notice her tears are already flowing on her cheeks. "You still love her," Somi said as they go out of the café.

Lisa just stays silent as they drive back to the company.

On the other hand, Jennie ran and ran until she stops In the middle and yells "I HATE HER!" Someone full her in a hug. she didn't complain because that's what she needs right now.

It's all my fault! If I just don't lie to her maybe we're together and married. Maybe my sons will be with their Dada. Jennie thought.

"Do you want me to drop you at your hotel?" Kang asks. Jennie Just nodded she's tired already even she didn't do any physical activity.

They climb into the taxi and told the driver what the location is. Didn't take long they arrive. "Do you want me to accompany you to your suite?" Song Kang asks.

"No thanks. I can manage, thank you" Jennie said and enter the hotel and go straight to her suite. It's still early so she lay at her bed and looks at the ceiling. "I'm sorry Daehan and Lucas. I think you guys will never meet your Dada" I mumbled and cry again. All I want is a complete family for my sons but It's impossible now.

Jennie just lay there and didn't notice she drip into sleep slumber.



I woke up because my phone starts to ring.
I sat up on my bed and pick my phone and answer it without looking at the caller ID.


"Hey, unnie! Where are you? we're already here at the restaurant" Yeri said.

"Oh fuck! I'm sorry! I just woke up and forgot that we have dinner! Please wait for me there! Bye!" I said and hurriedly pick my towel and ran towards the bathroom. Argh!

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